Vehicle Shelter v1.0.0.1
Duplicate L10N Entry Action_Opendgate fixed
Duplicate L10N Entry Action_Closegate fixed
Duplicate L10N Entry Action_opendoor fixed
Duplicate L10N Entry Action_closeoor fixed
Vehicle Shelter3
Construction costs €35,000
Costs €40 per month
Cost of the solar panels €53750
Income from solar panels €187 per hour.
Configuration Selectable between solar panels, decoration or solar panels with decoration
Vehicle Shelter4
Construction costs €45,000
Costs €40 per month
Cost of the solar panels 63750€
Income from solar panels €237 per hour.
Configuration Selectable between solar panels, decoration or solar panels with decoration
Vehicle Shelter5
Construction costs €55,000
Costs €40 per month
Cost of the solar panels 73750€
Income from solar panels €287 per hour.
Configuration Selectable between solar panels, decoration or solar panels with decoration
Construction costs €65,000
Costs €40 per month
Cost of the solar panels €83750
Income from solar panels €387 per hour.
Configuration Selectable between solar panels, decoration or solar panels with decoration
MFG SidoxGamer from SB|Modding
Author: SBModding