Mini Biogas Plant V1.0


Mini Biogas Plant V1.0

Mini Biogas Plant
Price: £55,000
Maintenance costs: £55/day

Silage 75,000 L
Manure 75,000 L
Slurry 75,000 L
Chopped Sugarbeet 36,000 L (not used in concrete or fast cow versions)
Sugarbeet 36,000 L
Potatoes 36,000 L
straw 75,000 L

Electric Charge 100,000 KW
Methane 100,000 L
Digestate 1,000,000 L

Production cycles for electric charge, methane and digestate allow the selling and distribtion of individual outputs.

Four versions of the mini BGA are include:
MiniBGA – 10 cycles per hour
MiniBGA Fast – 100 cycles per hour (this is the version that was released in FS22)
MiniBGA Concrete Cow – 10 cycles per hour, more complex recipes with higher reward
MiniBGA Fast Cow – 100 cycles per hour, more complex recipes with higher reward

Author: Disturbed Simulations


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