Multi Production Factory V1.0


Multi Production Factory V1.0

Multi Production Factory is a factory and it can be easily placed in your farm.

You can produce:
– Lime
– Fertilizer
– Seeds
– Mineral Feed

Category: Factory
Price: $75,000
Daily upkeep: $50/day
Capacity: 250,000 l of each input product / 250,000 l of each ouput product

Production Recipe:
– 50x water + 100x stones -> 150 lime
– 100x manure + 50x liquid manure + 100x digestate + 50x straw -> 250x fertilizer
– 50x fertilizer + 50x water + 100x barley -> 1250x seeds
– 1,000x hay + 500x potatoes + 1,000x silage + 1,000x canola -> 3,000x mineral feed

Author: SalcarmanGames


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