Farm Sim News! New FREE DLC with Gator, JD 8960, &...

Farm Sim News - November 24, 2020 “New FREE DLC with Gator, JD 8960, & New Maps!” FSNews FS19 - Farming Simulator 19 0:00 - Farm Sim...

Ending harvest potatoes, spreading manure | Nowa Bruzda | Farming simulator...

Welcome back to the Nowa Bruzda Farm Timelapse. First, we finish harvesting potatoes. After the harvest, we return the harvesters and bring our tractor...

New Mods! New Tractors, Huge JD Plow, & NMC Truck Update!...

New Mods & Mod Updates - December 16, 2020 “New Tractors, Huge JD Plow, & NMC Truck Update!” (37 Mods) New Mods FS19 - Farming Simulator...

Farming Simulator 19 Alpine Expansion | ALL NEW DLC VEHICLES !

BUY FS19 Alpine Expansion DLC HERE: We discover all the new vehicles and the map of the Alpine Expansion of Farming Simulator 19 ! Find...

Farm Sim News! X9, Outlaw, & Bucks Co Help! | Farming...

Farm Sim News & New Mods - December 15, 2020 “X9, Outlaw, FSL Update, & Bucks Co Help!” FSNews New Mods FS19 - Farming Simulator 19 0:00...

Collecting straw bales w/MrsTheCamPeR | Animals on Untergriesbach | Farming Simulator...

If you want to do business with me, contact: Instagram: Join my Discord: __________________________________ Untergriesbach: __________________________________ Places where I get mods: __________________________________ Buy FS19 Alpine Expansion DLC: Buy...

New Mods Continue! Massey 135, JD Telehandler, 3D Tracks Gone! (27...

New Mods & Mod Updates - January 12, 2021 “Massey 135, JD Telehandler, 3D Tracks Gone!” (27 Mods) New Mods FS19 - Farming Simulator 19 0:00 -...

Testing ALL Equipment from the Alpine DLC | Farming Simulator...

Order the New Alpine DLC from here - USE CODE - STANTHEMAN It helps the channel directly! ?Order a STM T-Shirt from here ---- ? ❤Become...

Farm Sim News! MNMF Map Info, X9 Combine, Deere Country, &...

Farm Sim News - November 22, 2020 “MNMF Map Info, X9 Combine, Deere Country, & More!” FSNews FS19 - Farming Simulator 19 0:00 - Farm Sim News 0:10...

Моды, добавляющие реализма #1 | Грязь и проходимость | Farming Simulator...

Всем привет, начинаем повышать уровень реализма в FS19, начнем с модов, связанных с грязью и проходимостью. Приятного просмотра! Ссылки: Added Realism For Vehicles Real Dirt Color...

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