BEACH BREAK – Willamina Forest Gameplay Episode 37 – Farming Simulator 19


Welcome to episode 37 my gameplay series on Willamina Forest, my very first start from scratch series. In this series we start with significant debt, hardly any tools, and a dream to build the best farm we have ever seen.

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Anderson Group:
Platinum Expansion:
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Kverneland & Vicon:
Alpine Expansion Now:



  1. Hey FarmerCop, I’ve been with your channel since about 7.5k subs. I was able to celebrate you hitting 10k subs in your Discord. It’s been a pleasure to watch your channel. And I’ve noticed you’re very close to 20,000 subs. Your channel has grown a ton in a very short time. Have a good year. Plz stay safe when u are 10-8.

  2. @Farmer Cop I would like to make an offer for that forklift. I say 35k, if You let me run that awesome "tropical restaurant" (i'm a chief of waiters in real life, so i know something 😉 ). If You agree on that, than i would like to rent one of the houses nearby.

    About lifestream. Sadly i couldn't watch it live, but i enjoyed it anyway. In my opinion You are a bit chaotic recording live, but in a fun way.
    Anyway, keep it going 🙂

  3. I believe the police question was mine ? don't worry I am not offended for forgetting my name.
    Regarding live streams, both ideas have their advantages. Willamina has lot of stuff to do, so there is a lot to see. On a complete new series the stream potentially can consist only of you seeding your only field, but this gives you the opportunity to interact in the chat more.

  4. My opinion is to Keep it as it is, not a big fan of the livestreams.

    If you go fore the chickens, you should go al in and get like at least 1000 chickens so you get something of it ??

    That beach look's awsome ??

    And a big thank you for the great content you put out??

  5. My dad lived in the city and he flagged down a cop for a car that came through his sub division every day flying. he even let the officer use his driveway to help catch him

  6. FC you better change Digestate for Solid and then Liquid Fert. I did all the math and is much better because 250 of solid makes 1000 liquid with just a little of Diesel

  7. Oh maybe you could consider the T-Rex mod, deletes trees in an instant, you don’t make money or wood chips but great for clearing land quick, don’t know if you have it already.


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