Busting Rocks & Gravel In Farming Simulator 22 – Platinum Expansion DLC


In this video i show off a NEW feature to Farming Simulator 22 which is being released with the Platinum Expansion!

The Platinum Expansion releases on November 15th 2022!

?Watch My Early Access Preview of SilverRun Forest-

?Purchase the Platinum Expansion DLC for PC using my link-

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  1. Sadly hydraulically fractured rock was only available on the Silverrun Forest. Someone tried to reproduce on Azura map and that was removed. So you pay for a DLC which contains a useless map and a non-usable innovation.

  2. That's reverse sound is normal it's on all machinery now when they leave factory its white noise and easier to notice what direction its coming from then a beeper

  3. I Found a way to remove the gravel after you jack hammer it on consoles, after the rock turns to gravel go to construction,Landscaping, sculpting, then Soften.
    Gravel gone fore ever lol.


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