Carpathian Countryside | Map Tour | Farming Simulator 22


00:00:00 Start
00:00:22 Intro
00:04:53 PDA, Sell points, Starting land
00:09:40 Starting Equipment
00:13:01 Farm tour
00:31:41 Fly Over
00:40:55 Drive around –

Welcome to Carpathian Countryside. Fictional map inspired by a modern real life agricultural company and its surroundings in western Slovakia.

Map features

3 Pre-placed farms.
– Main Farm – The largest pre-placed farm on the map, consisting of: 2 cow barns, 1 pigsty, 1 horse barn, farmhouse, large grain silo with production point for making animal feed, vehicle workshop, 2 covered bunker silo buildings ( 6 bunkers in total), many shelters for vehicles or any packaged or loose goods, large slurry storage, slurry tanks, water tower and more.
(If you start in new farmer game mode, you already own the Main Farm).
– Pig Farm – All about the pig with: 2 pig barns, grain silo, bunker silo, vehicle workshop, vehicle shelter, slurry storage, bale shed, bulk storage, water tower and slurry tanks.
– Sheep Farm – Includes: 1 sheep barn, 1 chicken coop, grain silo, bunker silo, vehicle workshop, vehicle shelter and bale shed.

– All 3 pre-placed farms are fully editable, you can sell individual buildings or parts of fences – you can expand the farms. You can sell everything and build your own farm on the same place. Most buildings and objects used on pre-placed farms also have their placeable variants included in the map.
– Collectibles included. 100 wooden toys divided into 10 sets, 10 collectibles in each set. The reward for collecting is 1,000, the reward for completing the entire set is 100,000 and the toy will be displayed on the shelf in your room in the office building.
– 39 fields. Especially large fields with different shapes, also some medium and small.
– 3 unmarked Meadow fields.
– Large forest area. 7 purchasable forest parcels with different sizes, conditions and corresponding prices.
– Several small streams crisscross the land, with free water withdrawal.
– Field missions included, mission NPCs with Slovak names.
– Train system – driveable train with railroad silos and sales point.
– 6 sales points, each interested in a different type and quantity of goods.
– 3 shopping stations, Farm supplies and Lime station – possibility to buy farm consumables (e.g. seeds, fertilizer) directly in the trailer. Livestock market provide the opportunity to buy manure, slurry and animal feed from them.
– 9 Production sites: Bakery, Grain mill, Dairy, Sugarmill, Sawmill, Carpentry, Spinnery, Tailor shop, Biogas plant. The map contains several small and cheaply purchasable plots, perfect for building on other production points. Production sites have their own forklifts, which can be used by all.
– Vehicle store offers telescopic loader that can be used by everyone to load pallets or bales that you bought there, so you don’t need to bring your own loader.

Additional features
– Precision Farming DLC ready. Custom soil map included.
– Platinum Expansion DLC ready. Transport company sales point also supports products from the DLC and it is also possible to sell wood containers via the train or directy to container trader sales point.

Game Farming Simulator 22
Manufacturer None
Category Map
Author MrHector
Size 896.59 MB
Released 12.05.2023
Platform PC/MAC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XBS

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  1. I started playing on this map. This map is really fantastic. The house is fully detailed more that you can find any other bass game house or even the upper Mississippi river valley. Their house is completely walk through this map and hole is told Lee wow??❤

  2. the only thing I found that needs to be corrected is that when you sell all buildings if the farms, some interactive triggers remain….
    going to build a farm on this map but probably going to wait a couple of weeks or so to see if the maps gets an update…. don't want to start and then do it all over again after a few days as it happened with TVTOF…

  3. Great video as usual! as mentioned in a previous comment, if you sell the starting equipment you drop the slot count to a little bit under 1400 BUT if you sell everything on all 3 farms the slot count drops to 960 something…. if i remember correctly, this is one of the maps with the lower slots count around…. this give players who like to completely build their own farm, like myself, a lot of freedom…. and with the amount of details this is truly amazing!!!!

  4. I have had 3 crashes since the install. I have not added any mods and had been experiencing no conflicts prior.
    Just to be safe, and to see if it happens again, I have deleted the map and save.
    We shall see. On PS5 with 2TB extension and no issues prior.
    Love the map! Hoping it's a glitch in the Matrix. ?

  5. Greatings Farmer Klein, how did u revealed the entire map for soil type? :O lookin for this trick for ages 😀 … btw Mr.Hector shines again, well done!

  6. !!! WOW !!! It must have taken a very long time to Build a map with such AMAZING detail.
    He deserved More than A 5/5 HEHE.
    I wonder how many Fork lifts you could Collect HAHAHAHA.
    I see Hector Chimed in here.
    Thanks Much…
    Mike M.

  7. Farmhouse is more like a hotel. But no wonder. Judging by the size of only the farmyard, it needs to be taken care of 5 people.
    BTW, no bathroom mention again! Outrageous!

  8. Omg, all that time I spent on this map I did not noticed, all the way to this point that the vehicle shop name is wrong? is supposed to be Luca Motors. What a shame got to fix that.

    Very nice video by the way, I love theese map tours so much from when you statrted to do theese. I like how much in detail you show the maps. Thank you for very very very nice map preview.

  9. Great looking map but I would never have time to run a farm like that. If the AI workers were reliable it would work, but they aren't.

  10. I sold off all the Starting Equipment and got the Slot Count down to 1380 Slots! The Details in this Map is Amazing! I know what I’m doing this weekend! ✌️ Thanks for the Map ?️ Tour! ✌️???

  11. does anyone know where i can collect my pay stream from ? ive got quarter a million litres of it in my production plant but have no idea where to collect it from ? xbox user so possible it doeent exist ? lol the map is piney run

  12. love the working weigh bridge. it would be nice if map starts with traditional slovak machinery as Zetor an Liaz, these are available in mods, but overally pretty good copy of slovak JRD? well done boys

  13. Map looks awesome for sure but if there was to be 1 complaint it would absolutely be that he should've made the starting farm a price you could afford in farm manager. I do not like starting with equipment I don't want in new farmer mode so having the main farm be more than 1.5 million in my opinion is an oversight I hope he would change.
    Not the end of the world but I can't be the only one who doesn't like new farmer. Also being on console, it is not cut and dry like it is on PC to just give yourself a couple more $. Yes you can work around it with government signs but you really shouldn't have to.
    Not cutting down the map, its an incredible map, I just think it would be more well served if the starting farm was no more than 1 million. At least that way you would still have $ left over for equipment.

  14. I'm dropping all other plans for other maps that were "close" in my mind in the level of detail that I want or expect out of a map… this one takes the cake. Add in some Enhanced Animals and some Swathing… and this will be a killer playthrough!


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