Farm Sim News – May 13, 2021
“FS22 Seasons NOT a Mod, TLX, X9, & Jacto DLC!”
FSNews FS19 – Farming Simulator 19
FS22 – Farming Simulator 22
Second Channel –
0:00 – Farm Sim News
0:10 – Today’s Top Stories
0:55 – No Testing List Or Mods?
1:15 – FS22 Seasons
2:07 – Console Mods Not On Modhub?
3:16 – TLX9000 Phoenix
3:53 – John Deere X9 Update
4:19 – Fortschritt E-303
4:59 – Jacto DLC Update
5:29 – Thunder & JD Auger
6:12 – Case IH AFS Steiger PC
6:51 – Demco 22 Series Cart
8:15 – JHHG Big Updates
10:00 – Massey PowerFlex
10:22 – Newbrook Farm
10:45 – Mod Release Dates
11:15 – Best Outro In Farm Sim
11:49 – Moving truck gets here tomorrow
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Farming Simulator 19 –
FS20 On Nintendo Switch! –
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Bourgault DLC –
John Deere DLC –
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? Custom Farm Sim News PC Specs! ?
CPU – AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core 16-Thread 3.7 GHz
Graphics Card – Nvidia RTX 2070 Super – Founders Edition
Motherboard – Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming ATX
Memory – Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB 3000mhz DDR4
Capture Cards – Elgato 4K60 Pro (Internal)
Storage – WD Blue SSD M.2 500 GB, WD 1 TB Hard Drive
Power Supply – MasterWatt 650 Watt 80 Plus Bronze
Case – Cooler Master MasterCase H500 Mesh
Fans – 3x Cooler Master 200mm RGB, 1x 120mm
Microphone – Shure KSM27
Interface – Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 2nd Gen
? Video Editing Computer! ?
iMac Retina 5k 27” 2019
CPU – Intel Core i9 8-Core 16-Thread 3.6 GHz
Memory – 64 GB 2666 DDR4
Storage – 500 GB SSD + 1T SSD
We're back, and ready to rock! Everything with the house went great yesterday, and I am now a new home owner!
There will be no other videos today since no mods dropped, so I will see you tomorrow morning! =D
My only criticism of the game is there are no personal or business relationships.
Personal, you expect me in the whole world to believe that one person runs an entire farm with no wife, girlfriend, children mothers or fathers or grandparents.
Business, you expect me to go to a page and get all the contracts that's not how they do it in real life you go down the road and talk to the farmer or the person selling seeds or whatever.
This key element most likely is being worked on behind the scenes and they're not announcing it yet. Every game that is so-called their competition which really isn't let's be honest has those elements in it.
There should be a tow truck
The phonex
I can hear ya loud an clear. At vol 5 lol
Love ya djlouddham?????
I hope that giants introduces a Canadian or Australian style farm with gigantic fields
Stop ignoring Australia, Giants!
The early riser 24 and 12 row planters by custom modding have disappeared. There is never any news about them anymore which is a bummer but I still enjoy the other news dj keep up the great work. Also congrats on the new house
Noooo. I hate seasons
So people that don't like play with seasons must play with season? I hope they least they can add an feature so you can least turn it off..
Anyone else’s 8110 won’t fill up wit diesel?
I'm curious as things that were mods before are ingame now what else will be? FS series only started getting popular in FS15(popular, not played) So they are aware people want lots of things
It didn’t fail there was a problem with the testing I saw his live stream
Seasons: still in testing
Where’s the JohnDeere sprayer deck?
Yo DJ is it just me or is FS 22 look like 19 but mod?
I hope Realismus modding gets to help on the seasons development. I would feel bad for them if they couldn’t work on their main mod that was so game changing.
whats wrong with the john deere 8110 8210 8310 and 8410
I hope a person can turn seasons off.. I never play with seasons at all
Thank you I wanted to know why they were not showing up keep up the good work
Anybody else have crashing issues with the db120
Please fix voice JOHN DEERE 8RSeries 2020
Please for the love of god have vehicle straps another thing that would be a cool option is dynamic damage to your equipment like a blown tire ect. Be able to turn it off of course
Well I guess today wass a bad day ????
Will the update for the x9 give the option to have European placards or make them standard? If they're standard I'll probably skip that update
In the pics of the x9 there is a deutz fahr combine working away in the background is sid modding giving us snickpic of an other mod there working on that would be sweet???
Awesome Video as Always DJ!!!
Hi dj I love you farm sim news videos and Livestream keep up the great work DJ
Moven on up??
1:41 that house would be cool if the garage is a interact feature
dj could you tell giants to make it so you can get a helper to do soil sampoles
I cant fill the 8000 series john deere up with fuel
It can't be just me who hears geese noises, or some sort of squeaking when I watch your videos????
I hope it is in retesting tlx Phoenix
sucks for the phoenix
In Germany today it's a special Day for al Dads so nobody works today like on Christmas