Farm Sim News! Straight Pipe Puma, Unique Grain Bin Trailer, FSL Tournament! | Farming Simulator 19


Farm Sim News – January 15, 2021
“Straight Pipe Puma, Unique Grain Bin Trailer, FSL Tournament!”
FSNews FS19 – Farming Simulator 19

0:00 – Farm Sim News
0:11 – Today’s Top Stories
0:45 – PC Mods In Testing
1:41 – Console Mods In Testing
1:53 – Mods Waiting To Be Tested
2:00 – New Mods Out Now
2:08 – FSL This Weekend!
2:47 – Straight Pipe Puma!
3:05 – John Deere DB60 & 90!
3:33 – Don’t Say The K Word.
4:03 – John Deere Deep Ripper!
4:23 – New From Centro Sul!
4:52 – What Is This? I Want It!
5:16 – Celebrate Good Times!
5:45 – Goldcrest Deco Pack!
6:09 – MeadowGrove!
6:53 – Mod Release Dates
7:21 – Outro
7:52 – I don’t do words on Fridays

Today’s New Mods –
Chellington Valley Map Tour –
Mod Testing List –
PC MudHub –
Console Modhub –
Giants Blog –
Giants FSL –
Blaue Augen –
Connect –
JA –
Farm Centro Sul –
Sleutjes –
Farming Agency –
Puma145 –
Nathan_6930 –

#FarmingSimulator #FarmSimNews #FSNews


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? Featured Video Playlists! ?
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Alpine Farming DLC –
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FS20 On Nintendo Switch! –
FS20 On Mobile! –
Bourgault DLC –
John Deere DLC –
Anderson DLC –
John Deere Gator –

? Custom Farm Sim News PC Specs! ?
CPU – AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core 16-Thread 3.7 GHz
Graphics Card – Nvidia RTX 2070 Super – Founders Edition
Motherboard – Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming ATX
Memory – Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB 3000mhz DDR4
Capture Cards – Elgato 4K60 Pro (Internal)
Storage – WD Blue SSD M.2 500 GB, WD 1 TB Hard Drive
Power Supply – MasterWatt 650 Watt 80 Plus Bronze
Case – Cooler Master MasterCase H500 Mesh
Fans – 3x Cooler Master 200mm RGB, 1x 120mm
Microphone – Shure KSM27
Interface – Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 2nd Gen

? Video Editing Computer! ?
iMac Retina 5k 27” 2019
CPU – Intel Core i9 8-Core 16-Thread 3.6 GHz
Memory – 64 GB 2666 DDR4
Storage – 500 GB SSD + 1T SSD



  1. No script = video out an hour earlier! Nice to get the video ready for you guys earlier! Not a ton going on today, but I'll have some great news from Connect Modding tomorrow!
    New Mods! Stationary Baler & Wrapper, 21mph Cultivator, Insane Logging Mod! (20 Mods) –
    There are no more videos for today, but we will be streaming on Facebook tomorrow for the Farm Sim Show, get hype!

  2. 4:52 for those Americans or anyone that doesn’t farm let me give some context
    These are called field bins, and were designed and built by and for the Australian farmer, these started making appearances around the 1970’s as around that time auger wagons were not really common and because of most people having a bumper harvest they needed a solution to keeping the combines on the move without waiting 30mins-1hr for a truck
    Thus the field bin was born and can be moved around by anything really like e.g pickup, tractor, truck if it has a pto
    Hope I gave some context

  3. Hey dj.
    That bin thing is called a feild bin. You park it at the your farm, and when you are doing harvest you put it in you padoc. The auger wagon unloads into it. Sometimes the combine unloads into it as well. And then a truck drives under the auger at the back and the bin unloads into the truck. Then o

  4. Question. So I am trying to modify the Ravenport farm. Is it possible to remove the metal fence/wood fence and junk car/metal/etc from the property? If so how? Do I have to be in a certain game mode? Thanks

  5. Hey man here's my reply it's a long one.

    Yeah that's the question it's for PC but I don't see it for console I only see the Lone Oak Silo Pig cow sheep house placeables and sell stations and I tried looking for your video yesterday to understand why it wasn't released for console and just couldn't find it and I thought you might remember why it wasn't released for console.

    So I wouldn't have to ask GeForce because you know how asking modders where something is goes, I should know from experience.
    Sometimes they liked that question being reasked and sometimes they don't.

    If you can't remember that's fine I'll just download it for a PC? on my cell phone not kidding.

  6. It’s a field bin Australian made, it is basically portable silo with an auger, you need around 50 horsepower tractor to make the auger go, it’s made for if the header/chaserbin is full you can unload it into there

  7. Saw loads of those Mobile grain bins in South Australia last year DJ! They were all over massive fields, the combined fill em up and trucks pull under the auger and the engine started and then emptied. Finally a tractor hooks up raising the bin onto its wheels and zip of to the next massive section of land.??


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