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#microsoftflightsimulator #topgun #dlc
Do this in a rocket ship
if you turn off the scram jets at mach 10.04 the plane goes insane and you sometimes get mach 12 and 45+ g's!
Thx youtube for this
damn that was one hell of a flight!!!!!!!
Look at how fast the ground is moving below him while at 120,000 feet. WOW.
whats the game name ?
this was liteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
bro is wearing the serial killer glasses
Plot twist. It’s a real plane.
Watching this is making me want to actually watch Top Gun
did he make a signs refrence????
What's funny is it takes this much to bring in this aircraft this aircraft and the same goes for the space shuttle except they supposedly don't have engines coming in it's just a glider. Doesn't make sense I don't think it's possible
This soundtrack is actually insane
at 0:17, you said "its not a real plane", but it is, its the sr-72 but manned lol
Proves Flat Earth
I'm pretty sure everybody knows the aircraft designer may have had Star Wars in mind.
BISNE and ZIMTI are fix locations. Basically virtual waypoints that are used to determine flight paths, especially around airports and stuff where you need people to fly out via a path that's not straight – you set up a couple GPS points and tell people what points to fly when, kinda like how when you're taxiing they just tell you "taxi via Mike, then Bravo 4, then Charlie, hold short of Runway one-seven". Same thing, just in the air.
Is it realistic to go from Mach 9 to 5 within seconds? Wouldn't the g forces be too high for the pilot?
it's not actually designed after the sr-71 Blackbird it's based off of the cancelled sr-72 Blackbird which is an experimental UAV
This smal intresting names (ZIMTI) on the GPS is just the navigation points, the small monitor show for you the distances betveen u and the navi points .Purple numbers and purple lines on the screen.
16:52// DST (Distance )is 49,75 NM (Nautcal Miles)//
Bud cool flight 🙂
I loved this!!!
Why is there a Fa-18 stick in there?
Checkmate flat earthers
Why isn’t there a front window?
Omg it has been so lo g since I've seen you
That is not mock 9 that is mock .9 less than mock 1
How fast can you go from highest point then go diagonally down to gain speed from gravity ? lol
As you fly east, look how quickly you are "accelerating the moon rise", compared to when you first showed it right above the horizon.
What I don't quite understand, is why do you have to fly inverted to gain speed? Why can't it be done by staying upright throughout the flight?
Imagine you live in Florida and one of your friends in Texas mentions a weird thing in the sky, and then minutes later the dark star comes in and lands in Florida. That would be so weird
Wow dude that was a smooth landing! Great video!
They should make one for space