FRUITY NEW MODS (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 15th Dec 2020.


FRUITY NEW MODS (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 15th Dec 2020. Modhub. PS5. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Mammut Roundbale Fork By: Agrartechnik Nordeifel, Lizard 3500TDS 3500 Gallon Tanker + New Holland D1000 Baler By: 4D Modding, Lizard LK Series Brazil
By: Cola/Borges/Siebel3D & Placeable Fruit Trees Pack By: MechMods.



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  1. Hurrah for new mods! That Lizard lorry is really nice.. until you have to reverse it for a while lol, meaning if you reverse it continuosly for a period of time you'll notice the rear warning is actually an aftermarket 90s car alarm! Remember that episode of Top Gear where the lads brought used BMWs, MrSealyP, and Hammond's one had that hideous multi tone alarm that wouldn't shut up? That's what this Lizard sounds like if you reverse it long enough! ?

    Oh and the baler from 4D does NOT require Straw Harvest Add-on to work properly! I was wondering the same thing when I saw mention of twine and molasses so I checked, without Straw Harvest installed it will function like any normal baler.

    Cheers as always, for the wonderful job MrSealyP!!

  2. Trucks are scania 140 v8 the other scania 111. The balls on the poles are rly meant for long noise trucks to allow the driver to see where the front of the truck it. Kinda pointless on a cab over.

  3. Did a harvest contract on Felsbrunn, clean new map with precision farming.. . Still came up short with 99% contract finished.. If Giants can’t even get their own map coding sorted then I dunno..

  4. Soo getting the new fruit trees, been looking to expand my Sussex farms operations into fruit. Back on fs17 I planted an orchard of Apple trees on Sussex and made silly money each day for 40 trees.

  5. The 3500 TSD shakes in the Shop on consoles due to the number of configs. Consoles have a limited amount of configs so nothing we can do other than reduce the configs but we prefer not to do this because the shaking in the shop does not affect gameplay of the mod. Giants need to increase the console config limit. On PC there is almost no limit. THe mastek dribble Bar is an injector (Dribble Bar) which will be released in the future for the tank. The Config is needed to use it. The Dribble Bar is purchased separately

  6. Not really sure why you need molasses? Surely that’s needed for the krone pellet baler to make the pellets on the move, but these are just balers. The straw add on standard type krone balers don’t need molasses? Bit odd really!


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