FS19 | EPIC NEW MODS | (Review) Farming Simulator 19 | 15th July 2021.


FS19 | EPIC NEW MODS | (Review) Farming Simulator 19 | 15th July 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Eight Concrete Slabs By: Viktor Art Modding, Sidewalks By: Fudzo, Old American Brick Wall By: 810Modz, Agramark Portable Vehicle Washer Hand Tool
By: ARX Modding, Barrel By: Puszkap, Old Bale Trailer By: patologia__/qwertyPL, Lizard FH1985 Cows Trailer By: Nasif_Modding/Jona3D, Cks 7190 By: KZmodding/GameMasTer, Dudley (Dooley) 16T 19T Trailer By: 4D Modding, Schlüter 2500 By: Adub Modding Mantrid ABP Team, Pickup F-100 1975 And Fuel Tank By: Farm Centro Sul & JCB 8330 Pack By: HR Forst und Fahrzeugbau/Rick Black Labele TWD Modding.

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  1. The Schlüter needs an update – it doesn't nearly put out half of the horse power it is rated! I tested the 280hp version and it struggled pulling ANY implement, trailer, loading wagon with a power requirement higher than 180hp! And that is for going downhill. Uphill it wasn't able to pull the Fendt Tigo 75 42.000L loading wagon requiring only 200hp – from the 280hp pretended in the numbers this thing needs 200hp to move the tractor allone. Not worth downloading – pure waste of memory space!

  2. The F100 needs an update: It doesn't connect correctly to passenger car trailers with ball joint hitches! The color projection in the front and rear lights isn't from 82 Studio – that comes from the NMC Pickup trucks.

  3. You have been putting out video after video while being very sick and I would like to say that we appreciate everything you do thank you for pushing on when you're not feeling very well

  4. Only thing I can see that needs an update is on the new fasttrac is the computer screen on the right inside the cab don’t come on when it’s turned on and also could we have a sprayer to go on the back of them fasttracs a bit like people used to do on the mb tracs
    Would be great ???

  5. Thxn for the video I jumpy on and try the pickup for my farm it's looks good. Do some one of you the same problem when you put small trailer behind it. It lifts the pickup. And I can't drive it anymore?

  6. Only negative about the truck you attach anything to haul it lifts the front end off the ground unfortunately otherwise perfect farm truck

  7. You what makes it an American wall? The same thing that makes everything else in the game Polish.

    Thank you for the video, I don't play anymore and stopped making mods after the way they treated a certain modder.

  8. Great mod video as always! I don't know how you're feeling, MrSealyP, but you definitely sound like you're old self, Paul! It certainly sounds like you're on the upward trend! Hope the family is all getting better as well!

  9. Mod madness. Great review MrSealyP. You sound as if you’re getting a skip back in your step. Hope all are getting better. You may not feel the best, but all great Brits put on a good show. Love your content. Look forward to your next episode of GRTG. That rent percentage is an eye opener. God Bless. Praying for you and your family.

  10. I believe we got the schutler on fs13 first came back in 15 but had it as a mod since

    Edit: I remember three already being this tractor as a mod in fs19 just without all the options

  11. What a bumper crop of mods there today, an epic review to go with the epic collection and definitely some quality new toys for the farm there too! Though the pickup and JCB kind of steal the show somewhat, and rightly so as they are fantastic looking mods, but I really like the 8 concrete slabs mod too!

    I couldn't tell if it was a flat decal type thing or actual 3D slabs that are set flush with the ground, either way it looks really nice and is perfect for spot of decoration for a placeables area I'm tarting up that I didn't know I needed til I saw it! Should make for a nice transition from dirt track to concrete / asphalt area!

  12. Please MrSealyP take time to rest up.
    We can all bow down and be humbled by the great Videos you have already put out, as there are hours of great content.
    Cheerz MrSealyP for pushing forth and putting out yet another epic review.
    P.S: You neverr need to apologize…you are Awesome!!

  13. wow what a lot of fantastic new mods, plus i'm hoping the new riverside farm map update is the one for xbox consoles so we can use it without the alpine DLC; £20.00 BTW a bit steep just to turn grass roads back to proper tarmac/concrete and you don't use the pack for much else.

  14. Paul I just wanted to take a second to commend you for your continued push to provide these reviews and content on your channel despite being sick and feeling horrible. It truly showes your devotion and passion for what you do. As I have told you before my son and I look forward to watching your channel daily together so for me you provide a platform that gives a father just one more opportunity to spend time with my son. Thank you for doing what you do. I feel as though not enough people take the time to recognize the passion, time, effort, and commitment you have and put into your channel. I just wanted to thank you. As I mentioned earlier in the week our family situation was very similar to yours that our family was also dealing with the same illness and it really hit my niece very hard sadly she lost the battle and passed on monday. Please continue to stay strong and fight! Hopefully you and your family are recovering and stay strong through this battle! Thank you again my friend I appreciate your commitment and the work you put in for the community!

  15. Sir if you are faking feeling well for the video you deserve an Oscar for that performance. I truly hope you feel as good as you sound in the video.

  16. I am watching your Lone Oak let’s play on FS17, the one you taped three years ago. You started with a Schlüter there, I remember the American public complained about you using it on an American map! ?

  17. The ddoley trailers are really nice, however on PC there is a collision on grain trailer when loading from top, it thinks the silage sides are fitted. unfortunately I've had issues with all 4d modding mods I've tried, some even crashed game (abbey tanker was one I think), and most have log errors that can cause fps drops and other issues. Shame, but I'm just giving my own honest review. They all look fantastic though!


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