FS22| Pioneer Map | Survival | EP3 | Surprise | FARMING SIMULATOR 22 |XBox Series S


In this episode
We get a nice surprise

Map is by: Vergamini Modding/Lostgamer
Played on: XBox Series S using Standard controller.

We play the Pioneer Map on Farming Simulator 22, with a horse a chainsaw and about a grand in cash.

We heard about a country called Axel that is trying to survive after the industial gaint that is Axel Heating and Electricity company abandoned their holding in the country, leaving the locals with little power and even less hope. People have boarded up thier homes and moved away.

Those that have stayed have decided to give up a section of land to the first person to claim it after having met certain conditions. These conditions will only be revealed when we arrive in Axel and proceed to look for the land.

Having arrived at Port Axel we have found out the there is a disused sawmill somwhere in the country the first person to find it and get it going, can claim the land.




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