FS22 Silo Capacity Limit | Farming Simulator 22


In this video I review if the silo capacity is per crop or combined for all crops.

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Ending music: High Octane from Bensound.com



  1. Thank you so much for explaining this. When they state capacity do they mean 300,000 for each crop or whatever or total. That’s what was confusing me. I am somewhat still new to the fs series and I wish the description would be more detailed.

  2. Hi. Thx for this video. I downloaded MissyB's silo. Because FS22 is different in filling the silos than FS 19, dies this mean that I'm gonna have to put a bunch of silos together in order to put in a lottttttttt of crops? What do you think? Thx again.

  3. I installed the Missy B silo mod (on PC) and added the 20ML tank. After adding liquid fertilizer and herbicide, I cannot get the silo to fill my Rubicon 9000 or Berthoud Vantage 4300 sprayers. Even though the prompt to "refill" is present, the silo does not refill the units. I think it's because there is no option to "open cover" on these sprayers. Not sure what to do to get the liquid fertilizer and herbicide out of the silo now. I tried it with the Hardi Mega 1200L sprayer, and since it was already full, I first overloaded the herbicide into the silo so that it was empty and then hit the "start filling" button. The menu popped up to select herbicide or fertilizer, and it filled the sprayer up with no problem. I know that the Berthoud Vantage was completely empty when I tried it, but the Rubicon 9000 already had herbicide in it, and I was just trying to top it off. UPDATE: Sure enough–after dumping all of the remaining herbicide that was still in the Rubicon 9000 into the silo, I was then able to hit the "start filling" button and get the menu to select either herbicide or fertilizer, and it filled the vehicle up. It just wouldn't top off the vehicle without completely emptying it first. Not sure why a completely empty Berthoud sprayer didn't work, but I'll try it again. With that sprayer, I had unloaded its contents into pallets first before going to silo. This time, it was partially filled. I did the "start overloading" function at the silo and emptied its contents like I did with the Rubicon 9000, and this time the Berthoud also got the menu to fill with either herbicide or fertilizer. So, a relatively easy work-around. Just an FYI.

  4. For “realism” I’m ok with a silo cap, as long as it goes with the # of silos you have. If a 400,000 liter silo is actually 4 100k silos, you could store 350k of corn, but no room for anything else. If you had 290k of corn, you now have an empty 100k silo. A 400k silo could max store 4 crops types or up to 400k of 1 type. Maybe an option needed for “realistic silos?”


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