FS23 First Look! (Gameplay, Maps, Equipment) | Farming Simulator 23


FS23 First Look! (Gameplay, Maps, Equipment)
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Today we’re taking a first look at Farming Simulator 23 on Nintendo Switch. In this video, we’ll show off the maps, equipment, and talk about some things you need to know before the game’s release.

FS23 Releases on Tuesday, May 23 (2023)
Pre-order on Nintendo Switch for $44.99 –
Pre-order on iOS (iPhone/iPad) for $7.99 –
Pre-register on Android (pricing not available yet) –

FS23 – Farming Simulator 23
#FarmingSimulator #DjGoHam #FS23



  1. Do I have to say this again the nintendo switch version is not a mobile game the graphics may look a little fuzzy because it's a watered down version of farm sim 22

  2. You forgot something, for fs23 has giants version of autodrive, you can do just deliver, loop and deliver or just have worker drive to any point on the map

  3. I am interested in getting it later in for the Switch, but once the price goes down. I see it as too expensive on the Switch compared to Android, and also com0ared to FS22 considering how much less of a game it is.

  4. Things i wish for the future.
    Animal welfare (herding from field to pen)
    Bedding from fork to loader to straw blower in sheds.
    (2 passengers in tractors) kubota touched on this.
    Animal numbers ( male+female breeds)
    Rotation planner like fs19
    The moisture gaget in fs19
    Mercury farm from fs19
    Easier map to move around in landscape.
    Feeding animals with bags of meal and buckets.These are just some things i feel are missing

  5. Playing FS20 on Switch while watching this.
    It shits me to tears. I bought everything in the game in about 30 hours and had to start again to try something different.


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