GETTING SETTLED – No Mans Land – Episode 15 – Farming Simulator 22


Welcome to my hard core survival gameplay on No Mans Land where I will struggle to make it with starting debt and nothing to my name but a plot of land.

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  1. Hey fc, I would like to move to your community and open a veterinarian clinic for the farm animals. I have been a farm vet assistant for a little country town a few maps over and I would like to open my own clinic.

  2. hey i'm wesley.
    i would like to start a landscaping business.
    for removing rocks and leveling the land. the name will be landmaster. and will give good prices for my work. I'm from the Netherlands and I enjoy watching the episodes

  3. FC! Ihope you will read this but the K brand planter uses the same front tank from the K brand as the seeder does and also connects with hoses and all the things.
    Soo the front tank can be used for both the 6m seeder as the 6m planter if i remember correctly

  4. Hi farmer cop this is Big Rick from Big Rick's Ready Mix, I see Subscriberville is growing fast I was wondering if I could open up a concrete redimix facility in partnership with the quarry to supply concrete for the town's growth I could even offer a 20% discount to your farm if you ever decide to concrete the barnyard?

  5. !Sub contract!
    Hey fc my home town is experiencing a record drought and need some silage and grass bails for TMR I’m willing to pay 20% above top price because I’m in need
    Thanks Bailey

  6. FarmerCop, I recently took a contract from my local oil mill for sunflower seeds. I have enough land for this year to fulfill the contract, but if you would be willing to put in 1 field of sunflower for the next growing season, I would be willing to compensate you 15% over current (at that time) selling price for whatever u can send me. doesn't matter if it's your biggest, or smallest field, any lil bit would help greatly!

  7. Hey FC, would it be possible to spend more time during the episodes farming and less time talking about what you may or may not do while floating in the sky? Thanks!

  8. Thanks for the content, your always fun to watch. Usually miss your streams but always watch them later. I’d love to see more of what your doing on this series, maybe longer episodes?

    Thanks again, keep up the great work ?

  9. Hi farmer cop my name is dizzlemeister, dizzle for short, I just moved into your area with my wife and 2 daughters. As I am looking for some work I would like to be your hired help so that you can give a name to your worker instead of just calling it a "worker". Thank you and BTW love the channel and love what you do for a living.

  10. Hey fc this is farmrdave and we have decided to to sell our sheep herd and thought you would be a good fit for the little guys. We would sell all 30 head for 8500 plus you get eight grass bales with them to help start off. We understand starting off as a new farm and always wanted to help the next guy out.

  11. Due to high demand and a shortage in the world market for flour, farmers outside of No Mans Land need wheat seeds to plant their feilds for flour. The shortage is so signficant that Chuck is willing to buy wheat seed for 35% more than the value of the wheat alone so he can sell it for EVEN MORE! Farmer Cop has a decision to make… grow his own wheat to sell at the 25% above normal market price or produce the seed and take Chuck up on his offer for 35%. Can he afford the the equipment to produce enough seed to cover the spread?


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