This video will show you how to move the mod folder location in Farming Simulator 22.

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  1. Ok I have tried your way of moving my mods folder and the game won't load just crashes but works fine when using the stock location on C drive…already tried uninstall and reinstall and then doing it, also tried using sub folder inside main mod folder, tried true tried false tried changing a couple of xml, this is my 14th time of reinstall and validation of game files……what am I missing? I hope you see this, currently bingeing the frontier series

  2. Great video, but every time I try to move the folder to my D drive instead of my C drive where it originally was it just crashes the game every time I launch it. Any ideas

  3. Thanks, Just started playing and when I realized the mods were going to my "C" drive, I was slightly nervous, as I have a 2T gaming drive just for stuff like this With the DLCs and expansions along with the mods, my mod folder hit 3 gig quickly.
    I always look for your channel name when I have questions about FS22. Clear and concise instructions go a long way in my book.

  4. Thanks for the tutorial FC. Any advice for missing mods when starting up the game? I watched most of the tutorials on here, and none of them actually work for me. I play on PC as well. TIA ? ?

  5. Edit I messed it up but I managed to get it to work, follow the instructions of the video closely.
    I opened the the gamesettings and did all that and it corrupted my game

  6. I have fs17 but its the same thing I got a new ssd and reinstaled my game on it but the mods also had to moved to the drive so I did that and none of them showed in the game because I didnt know it has a setting that says in wich map are the mods I thought all the files had to be in one map for it to work

  7. what type of computer do you use? or what are your specs? i just have a dell xps purchased through costco. is that good enough? i normally play on PS5, but thinking about playing on PC also.


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