I Made $435k My First Day As A Farmer | Stone Valley | Farming Simulator 22


Stone Valley 22 – Episode 1 – I Made $435k My First Day As A Farmer
Let’s Play FS22 – Farming Simulator 22

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  1. Hey DJ, love all the videos, and thanks for being the "Mod-Man"! How did you get all red older starting vehicles as well as the semi? Everywhere I look it comes with the base game starting equipment. Keep up the awesome videos, and loving the farmcon stuff btw!

  2. I try to keep what I have but I ensure I've got the equipment I need for the job before I buy the field. So if I wanted to do productions, I'll make sure I've got a flatbed, truck and a telehandler to move it. If I want to do more crops I will make sure I've got the right tools for the job. So I'll buy a, let's say, potato Harvester and planter and a medium tractor before I buy the field to make it

  3. The only thing I do not like about Stone valley. I have to cultivate myself. Whenever I try to hire a helper, it says worker stopped field not found. I do not remember updating the map.

  4. I like that price mod. Reduces the emphasis on productions a bit. Also in the settings if you're using a controller, reduce the steering recenter sensitivity to around 60% or less. At default it's way too quick and makes articulated vehicles in particular awful to drive. Makes them a lot more more enjoyable.

  5. My main thing starting off. Is to get rid of all of the equipment, get rid of buildings which depends on if I like them or not and definitely get rid of the silo. I either go with the AGI silos or a multi fruit one and of course use the govt subsidiary mod for cash ?

  6. What I like to do is do something more realistic.. that’s making the field actually be curved around the corners then a hard sharp square that is unrealistic. I don’t speed harvest anything I try to make my game realistic as possible. I upgrade my tractors but keep my implements small to enjoy the game. I also have small headers to enjoy harvesting and do such as real life.

  7. I don't even do that I just play what dj go ham was saying at the beginning of the video I'm on stone valley 22 I already got 40 hours I just started playing on this map less then a week ago I'm already liking the map I've rate a 10 for sure


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