"LE SANTERRE" NEW MOD MAP Farming Simulator 19 PS4 MAP TOUR (Review) FS19.


“LE SANTERRE“ NEW MOD MAP Farming Simulator 19 PS4 MAP TOUR (Review) FS19. Map by:AGModding. New to Console! GIANTS Software. What do you start with on New Farmer? What do you start with in Farm Manager and Start from Scratch modes? How many slots does it use? What features stand out? All these questions and more, answered with me… MrSealyp.

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  1. This part of France is called "le plat pays", which means "the flat country/land". As we can see, it is quite relevant. The name of the sell point called "Uneal" doesn't mean anything in French, I can't even guess what I could possibly be lol.
    Thank you MrSealyp for this map tour, I now know I don't need to try this map, it is not for me

  2. I often wonder just who tests these maps before passing them. I played this map for about 3 hours until I found the fence across the road then deleted it. thanks for the tour MrSealyp

  3. Two times I did a contract fertilizer job for field 1 im done it’s showing not completed it’s stuck on 84% this is an error I guess another map need to be updated??

  4. This is a big improvement from the previous map by this creator. I like the feel of the map but it does lack in certain areas. I think we all need to remember that mapping is not an easy process. Perfection is not a reasonable expectation from volunteer creators.

  5. I hope this gets updated as it would be nice to set up a farm shop area which will sort out the sell points and just have it as a little rural village farm (yep, I know most farms are rural). As the makers first map never got sorted, I am not holding my breath.

  6. At first it appears like a pretty decent map, I like the premise of it having basic farm areas with room for you to grow and expand the way you want to.. but, the overall feel I get from the map is that it's unfinished. Even going with the "build up your own farm" style it's still missing some basic features and clearly has some other issues as well.

    Thankyou for checking it out and giving us the heads up, MrSealyP!

  7. Again another good, fair review of a map. You pointed out all the good points and the potential of gameplay and identified the problems with it in a fair and unbiased way. Keep up the great work.

  8. This would be a nice map to play with a few improvements, but like the last one by this maker it doesn't really have a lived in feel to it. Some maps by makers just seem to work straight from the start, and we all know who they are . Others seem to just put out maps without even playing on them themselves first.

  9. They couldn’t have tested this one very thoroughly. After they update these few issues I’ll play this map for sure. I liked the feel

  10. Your reviews are always spot on. One disadvantage you cannot do anything about: if the map maker comes with updates, your map tour remains unchanged. I have looked at map tours of yours that had problems initially, but lots of map updates afterwards, and it is a shame these maps tend not to be visited by players, just because they were stuffed with errors at the start… these map makers should know better, and have pre-release versions tested much better before actually putting them on the modhub.

  11. Liked the look of this map installed straight away, but to many issues for me had fences going across the road kept hitting invisible objects. Hope the update comes soon nice little map.. Great job as always MrSealyP ??

  12. Hi' Mr P, I watched Farmer Klien, map tour on PC and when he tried to place a cow pen it ended up floating in the sky. so i hope they do update this map it looks great to build a good farm on.


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