LOTS OF LINSEED! – Chellington Valley Gameplay Episode 15 – Farming Simulator 19


Welcome to my relaxed and limited mod gameplay on Chellington Valley now with seasons. I hope you enjoy the series!

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  1. Looks like the "extra" crops don't have seasons variations for pricing 🙁

    and because of the challenges of UK weather, I do recommend making grass silage, selling the excess to the BGA, and using the proceeds to buy hay from the store – hay costs less per bale than silage sells for! And silage is just easier to make.

  2. As I noted on your stream video – Farming Agency uses Crop Destruction 2.0:
    – grass is reduced 1 growth stage, so either front mower, or drive over what you already cut.
    – narrow wheels will still destroy crop (when fertilizing!!) but much less destruction that regular and wide wheels.

  3. @Farmer Cop check out the lizard transport trailer. It's great for moving vehicles and equipment. Also very useful for logging. It's called "Transport Trailer MD" in the modhub. Modder is Holz FS


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