Lots of Repairs Needed! | E4 Flint Hills | Farming Simulator 19


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  1. Great video as always Randy! Keep up the great work! You have to be careful using the time feature in Development Controls because it can really mess up your progress in maps. I was wondering where did you get that Ford 8000 tractor from? The only versions of this tractor I see on the internet from Google are ones for FS15 and FS17. Can't seem to locate one that's been converted to FS19 anywhere. The AGCO Allis tractors for FS19 can be found on Bronkema Toys Facebook page. Kederk Farms did a Youtube video showing how to modify the XML file for the soil sampler to increase its radius in the Precision Farming DLC.

  2. the only thing about that lil sprayer is you can't offload it … its stuck fert or herb till its empty. Wow something gave you 30k and time warped ya almost 12 hours. mod conflict ?


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