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Try the Big Fields Farm Map..For Silage
Just face It, you need bigger equipment lol
Great video as always Randy! Keep up the great work! You have to be careful using the time feature in Development Controls because it can really mess up your progress in maps. I was wondering where did you get that Ford 8000 tractor from? The only versions of this tractor I see on the internet from Google are ones for FS15 and FS17. Can't seem to locate one that's been converted to FS19 anywhere. The AGCO Allis tractors for FS19 can be found on Bronkema Toys Facebook page. Kederk Farms did a Youtube video showing how to modify the XML file for the soil sampler to increase its radius in the Precision Farming DLC.
Awesome video Randy keep it up bro
There is an old sprayer on the mod hub now kind of like yours.
Nice to learn something about the precision farming, great videos as always
the only thing about that lil sprayer is you can't offload it … its stuck fert or herb till its empty. Wow something gave you 30k and time warped ya almost 12 hours. mod conflict ?
Next series hopefully you bring back the intro music from Georgetown. I liked that music.
SP-2002 Sprayer: http://www.farmingsimulator19mods.com/sprayer-sp-2002-v1-0-0-0-fs19/
I can add the link to it but I got it from mod-network.com. I think you may need an account. I found a lot of links, but I wasn’t even going to attempt to get it from a questionable site.
This is a really good map! I thought at first it was flint Michigan but it’s Iowa, so you can actually drink the water.
Course play is on version .00023 , The change log for version .00020 was very big ?
Can u get the TLX9000 with the Demco hopper bottom
Cool video