The DLC begins here! We enter the Hunter’s Nightmare and face the horrors inside… like Ludwig the Accursed, and the Holy Blade.
This is my first experience of Bloodborne and any FromSoftware game!
I’m playing on the PS5.
Thought it would be fun to start up a Game Dev plays series:
Thank you so much for watching!
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#DLC #Bloodborne #MyFirstExperience #hunter #LudwigtheAccursed #LudwigtheHolyBlade #TheHuntersNightmare #First #ps5 #firsttime #myfirstFromSoftGame #FromSoftware #firsttimeplaying #firstplaythrough #letsplay #symbalily #bloodbornefirsttimeplaythrough #bloodborneps5 #bloodborneplaythrough #bloodborneblindplaythrough #soulsborne #firstbloodborne #bloodbornefirst #fromsoftbossfight #bloodborneboss #reaction #agamedevplays #alfredquest #arianna #thirdumbilicalcord #vilebloods #executioners #oldhuntersdlc #dlcweapons
That slow turn while you're nervously laughing at the end with Alfred was genuinely unsettling on top of an already unsettling scene. you sounded like you were going mad yourself there for a second lol
Ludwig was the first hunter of the church who eventually succumbed to his blood-drunkenness. His Holy Blade was actually a blade filled with cosmic energy that he discovered in the chalice dungeons when they were first being explored.
Joining the herd. ?
Amber: Do you like fire?
Ludwig: Do you like disgusting weird saliva?
great episode, as always! just wanted to mention that, since you liked the design of Ludwig's sword so much, that this sword is sort of a running easter egg and has been put into every FromSoft game since 1994 (not sure about Armored Core, but definitely all of their fantasy games), it is usually called something along the lines of "Moonlight Greatsword" and it's almost always quite tricky to get it
I started the DLC last night and that big guy outside the chapel killed me more times than any boss in the base game. I was not prepared for the step up in difficulty.
I'm late but ludwig's sword comes from King's field, the first game by from software and it was used to defeat the final boss, it also appeared in most of from soft games, so the fight is basically the best fan service for from soft fans
Out of many YouTubers who did content on this game you are the first person who was able to connect the dots about the beast-man being Gilbert! I never thought about it too!)
Dies… "that was awesome!"
Luv ya aha
Loved this episode, Amber! Hilarious reactions to the gruesome bits, and thoroughly impressed with how your parrying skills have come along. Can't wait to see you get into Elden Ring eventually!
I just found your channel, never seen ya before, but jeez you have a lot of skill
When I first got here, I got wrecked by the hunters multiple times before progressing. Granted, I did a bit less damage, but my parry game was also pretty weak. Ludwig was also a big challenge. You blazed through this like a champion!
Despite me having the platinum for this game, seeing you do all these things I either missed or didn’t notice on my play through is amazing. I didn’t know about Alfred.
Wasting fools and taking shoes.
"I'm so sorry…" she says whilst bare-legged and rocking the shoes she stole. Nice!
1:13:33 mowing the lawn has never been so fun
Oh, Ludwig… I always bring out my best earbuds for this fight. Second phase still gives me chills. Jaw dropping is an adequate reaction. That was the fewest tries I've seen anyone need to take down Ludwig. Almost seems disrespectful. You got to hear his tune mostly through once. Last player I watched spent several hours fighting Ludwig. And she wasn't even bad at the game. In other bosses, she outplayed you. Also, she mostly used the Threaded Cane — one of the hardest/weakest weapons, but stylish.
Queenie was immortal, so, Fred pulped her. He might've sounded a tad mad, but his was a good deed. Queen of the vilebloods… says it right on the tin. Bad sort.
woah, I've played this game a dozen times and I've never seen the old woman leave that note before. I hope you wind up seeing what happens there, if anything. I'm very curious!
Loved the Crystal Chronicles shoutout at @9:45
What a great fight against Ludwig!
"That is horrifying…" – Saying while walking through a river of blood, filled with tons of corpses… Just saying…
GG on the fight also 🙂 Keep up the good work.
I still get chills during the Ludwig fight. Even after Dark Souls 3, Sekiro and Elden Ring he's still my favourite FromSoft boss
Cool thing about this fight and other fromsoft bosses is the time signature changes to 3/4 instead of 4/4. Three beats in a measure, quarter note is one beat. 3/4 is the time signature of a waltz. 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 etc. the moment he takes up his sword and remembers himself you’re no longer struggling with a beast you’re dancing with a sword master.
34:43 Yes? You called me?
that was an AWESOME Ludwig fight!! And yeah his music in the second half is SO good. one of my favorite pieces from the whole game.
EDIT: Whoa – i've never seen anybody fight Alfred! I didn't even know you really could. it's nice that it gives you the reward whether you fight him or let him…. complete his storyline.
?what a journey!