NEW MODS (Review) Farming Simulator 19 PS4 FS19 20th Nov 2020. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.
Mods: 3 Point Gooseneck Receiver Hitch By: Meier Family Modding/Drew Hodgkins, Big Bag And Support Package By: Farm Centro Sul, Drigo Ripper R5 By: Peppe978 – FsiGroup, Lizard 991 By: 4D Modding, NI Storage Shed By: GreenBale & John Deere 2510H And John Deere 2510H Tank By: LRModding/J.Amodding.
Instagram: @mrsealyp
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For max efficiency put the 2210 John Deere 12 m plow up front hook up the fertilizer and then a lime applicator and boom boom boom
Can also use the Bourgalt dlc cultivator upfront as well
can anybody tell me how to fill the john deer 2510h i,m having trouble filling it with anhydrous???
You are correct for the game it is a great fertilizing tool works very nice, In real life the tank are for anhydrous ammonia which is NH3 high pressure gas liquefied (one part nitrogen (N) and three parts hydrogen (H3)), a nitrogen based fertilizer that is widely used as a plow down here in the States to mix with soil moisture. check out anhydrous ammonia great job on the Mod review thank you
I suppose with the new sprayer if you could figure exactly how much fertilizer you needed you could fill a tank with each and just go back other way on field once one tank ran out.
Finally a decent size shed that looks high enough to fit JD Cotton harvester!?
Hello, just wondering if that there's a longer train mod to increase the cars. It doesn't really look that realistic. If there is please let me know! Thx.
Kinda funny, when you flicked that light switch on the NI shed, an ad started playing, nice timing.
Anyway, great vid as always, good work MrSealyP ?
You're the go-to FS console guy, if there are any PS5 advantages for FS19, please let us know. Looks like the slot count hasn't changed though, that stinks. Thanks for all the content you create!
The guys i help have the 2510h and they put on a combination of fertilizers called MAP on the soybean stubble for next years corn crop after harvest.
U r the only person I know with a ps5 is there much difference and can u play fs19 ps4 game on it or did u have 2 buy whole new game jd mod looks g8
The mic sound very bad now
I thought you was going to connect the 2 applicators together.
I think those bale wrappers were the McHale?? ones in fs17
Thank you mate love your videos they help me a lot.
Do you lose all your mods you downloaded on PS4 or are they still there on ps5. Or do you have to download them again. ?
McHale bale wrapper. Its on their website. So cool!
FS19 on my PS4 keeps crashing. Started last week. Any suggestions? ☹️
What map are you using
That bale wrapper was incredibly wasteful with the bale wrap. Farmers need to watch every penny and I'm sure they wont be impressed.
No more international transtar on console modhub. If you have it, don’t delete it.
I can't find the Bucks County,Pa. map.Was it removed or is it a glitch on my system?
What would be the best mod you would recommend to get a plowed state. Doing stone Valley.
Hey I have an issue with the pellets mod I load pellets into the train in felsbrunn and I haven't found any place to to unload it , any ideas?
I don't notice a graphic difference on my ps5. I do however have a much better frame rate.
I was just looking for a anhydrous tank and here it is
Still no update for the Bucks County map huh. Thats a shame. I really enjoyed it until I couldn't make hay or straw.
Hi mr sealy p….
Does the Logitech equipment work with the PS5. Or is it just the PS4.?
Mrsealyp with John deer fertilizer you can hook 2 together put lime in one and fertilizer in the other then you can do both at 1time
Can you hitch two up together I wonder….
Think this is used to side dress corn with Nitrogen. My brief knowledge of corn is that you don’t want to apply solid N onto maize as the fert drops into the plant and can scorch it. I could be wrong but that’s what I read somewhere. I think it also drops the fert near the base of the plant or in near the roots so there is a quick uptake and it feeds it better.
Thank you for demonstrating these mods. Very helpful
I can't find the BUCKS COUNTY map on my ps4 any suggestions
Kind of upsetting to see a slot count even on ps5… really wish that didn’t exist
What about alfalfa hay on stone valley