Platinum DLC Map Tour – Silver Run Forest – Farming Simulator 22


We continue our coverage of FarmCon22 by taking a tour of the new map from Giant’s that will be introduced in the Platinum DLC for Farming Simulator 22. There’s a hint about some of the new productions, and about new missions for forestry. So far this is now looking like a great DLC and in the next video we’ll talk about the improvements to forestry.

I point it out, but he mentions Canada twice in the video….



  1. I have been playing Farming Simulator since 2009 and I am really excited to see this one coming. I work in the timber industry and typically play in the logging realm. FS has come a long way from the days when the "logging" was a modded baler that produced logs out of grass and you loaded them onto a log truck and sold them where you sold your bales. Oddly enough Farming Simulator has become the best Forestry simulator out there and has a very active forestry modding community. I'm very excited to see what comes out in the future as Giants is quite obviously trying to fill the different niches in the agriculture industry as a whole and allowing the modding community to take care of the "typical" farming experience. I hope this works out well for them but with every release they do the comments on their own forums are brutal from the "farming" guys. You would think that nobody likes FS if you read it.

  2. Hey Jay. Funny how our wishes that we discussed earlier came true immediately. ? You wanted mining and I wanted old Volvo BM tractors. The map looks awesome! ? Nice that Canada have got a official map. This is also very close to how the forest's look here in Sweden. On earlier FS games I have done a lot of logging to clear up spaces for new custom fields, so I hope that some logging areas are somewhat flat for that purpose. That is a fun way to expand the farm end makes for me the logging more rewarding. Thanks for the information Jay. I look forward to your next video. Take care /Jakob

  3. I'm really excited about this DLC with all the equipment and what they've showed really makes the forestry side of the game a whole lot easier I just hope they also adjusted the physics…


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