Welcome to the Elm creek police department we got ford explorers at the new station and had a busy day on the job. Lots of new police videos will be coming out soon! Thanks for watching!
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where did you get the cop car cant find it on Lambo Mods.
can you do a custum cop car
that is gert
On videos can get out of first person it herts my head
where can i get the cop car
you need to bring back the police chases.
Is there mods on console
Keep it up!
I love all your videos keep it up
Love the vids
Hey Spencer! I love the vids keep at up! And fun fact Grayson is my name!!! I'm just on my moms account
That ATV sounds really good? love ur vids man
That is Garrett he’s bartending to be your suspect
Did you just arrest your best friend Garrett
Good job
Love ❤️
i wish this video was longer like 15 or 20 minutes long 10 minutes does not feel longer to me at all tbh spencer!
fun cool
Cops cars!?!?! What no way 😉
Love your vids
Hey Spencer great job keep it up !!!!!!
Second here
Love the vids keep it up
I love your vids!!!