Top 10 Trucks Mods for Farming Simulator 19


New video on Farming Simulator 19,

Here are the top 10 best Trucks mods for Farming Simulator 19

FS19 Alpine Expansion DLC:
Fs19 Platinium Expansion DLC:


Find all the FS19 mods and Farming Simulator 19 maps here!

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  1. Super vidéo juste 2 petites « critiques » pourrais tu m’être la musique un peu moins fort pour mieux entendre les bruitages véhicules (moteur / klaxonne etc…) et afficher systématiquement le conteur en bas à droite (tu le fais sur le numéro 4 par exemple) ce qui nous permettrait de voir la vitesse Max l’accélération etc … mais sinon super vidéo comme toujours

  2. Please don’t speed up the shop section like that or add some text and tell us what the customisable options are. I wanted to see what the mods were and what the customisation options were for them.

  3. My favorite trucks are the 6×6 Maschinewerke Augsburg Nürnberg TGS from mod hub, and the Universal Motor Gerät U1200 – 1600 converted to FS 19 by FBM.
    It's a mix between truck and tractor because of it being first developed as a replacement for tractor's, but due to it not having certain limitations need to be classified as a tractor at the time, it was classified as a truck, causing it to not be that big of a hit due to trucks and tractor's having different driving licences and farmer's only having a tractor licence.
    But a development from it later took the role of the Unimog, the MB-Trac; which was developed because people wanted bigger tire's, but the way the Unimog was built, it needed a redesign.


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