WHY START SMALL WHEN WE CAN START BIG! | Survival Challenge | Farming Simulator 22 – EP 16


Welcome back to a BRAND NEW SERIES of Survival Challenge for Farming Simulator 22

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Antonio Carraro Pack –


Kramer KL 200

Isaria Drill

PLN Plows

Lemken D24

Alien Jim’s Packages

John Deere 1630

John Deere 6300

Classic 2 Row Planter

Small PH Sugar Beet Harvester

3M Lizard Fertilizer Spreader


John Deere 250 Sprayer

Gallignani 9250 SL Baler

6VS 6U Windrower


Music by Epidemic Sound



  1. I really love that you make sure not to repeat the jobs too ofren, but If you Would like to get the New plot of land, Silage seems to be the key.

    Fantastic Series. Looking forward to a possible vintage survival at a later stage ?

  2. I’ve actually had to use a rotary mower like that to make hay when the sickle mower broke. Believe it or not it does work but it makes it too fine of a cut. You end up losing about half of the hay but in a pinch it does work.

  3. I'm from Texas, and most the farmers around here use shredders for their hay instead of proper hay mowers. They're about a quarter of the cost and work just fine.

  4. Hey daggerwin in fact farmers in the United States use those mowers for ditches and then they bale the hay and give it to the cows along with alfalfa and silage

  5. 4:40

    I am very late to this video- but I do have that type of mower and I use it to mow ~30-40 acres of pasture that we now use for hay now that we are out of the cattle business.

    From my personal experience there isn't a ton of difference. We round bale and square bale occasionally, but I haven't been able to notice a difference in the bale quality.

  6. I love having virtual daggerwin in the series. I hope you do not make him move completely out of town. May be up under a shade tree or two would be nice. Thank you for the series

  7. If you cut down a tree and lay it next to a stump so it is touching it when your run along the tree to get rid of the branches it will go red and delete the stump when you get along side it.

  8. For what it's worth, when I was a kid, the farmer next door used a batwing to do hay.

    … Of course, he was also using John Deere tractors from the 50's, and a baler from the 40's in the 90's so all in all a real weird operation.


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