2 MORE SLEEPS / NEW MODS of 2020 (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 23rd Dec 2020.


2 MORE SLEEPS / NEW MODS of 2020 (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 23rd Dec 2020. Modhub. PS5. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Seasons GEO: Middle Saxony By: Vektormodding, Hydraulic Bollards By: SN Modding Opa_Andre, Christmas Market Toys + Berta’s Imbiss By: OmaTana, Dangreville Polydrack Plus 418A By: SimulagriModding, All The Shops Bundle
By: EDGE Gaming, Placeable Filling Stations By: Chris – CJFarming, KBM 10.8PS
By: RusAgroTeh, Robert F2800 By: E.T.A La Marchoise, Pöttinger NOVACAT 306 F
By: Konstii.ls/Fabian/Gogobear, Lizard RC Mower By: FBT Modding, MAN TGX Forest Special By: HaJüHo Fahrzeugbau, International Transtar MT By: raulycristi1 (VSR Modding Sur), Platform By: Andres rocha, Lizard Rake 8.5 M By: WhiteBull Modding & Krukowiak Z437 By: JMZ/Vnsfdg2.



Instagram: @mrsealyp

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  1. I downloaded the MAN TGX Forest Special for PC from 3 different sites and none of them working in game. when i open the modhub in game it shows that its installed but also shows its 0MB for some reason, but its unfolded in my mods folder. can someone help me pls?

  2. Hi. Merry Christmas to you pal. I just started to play this game recently. I cannot find all these mods. Are they in any special packs that cost the money?

  3. Love the videos! Thank you very much for doing all of these mod reviews!! I’m sure it takes a lot of time but I know for sure I enjoy them!!! I hope you and you’re family have a Merry Christmas!!!

  4. I know you play console, but for PC players, those Transtar trucks don't like courseplay. They just drive around wherever the heck they want too. But if you play without courseplay, they are fine.

  5. Aboout the potatoe collector: maybe you can hook it to the poplar frame from BsM on one side and a trailer with the 3pt-ball-connector on the other side? Haven't tried that yet, but that came across my mind immediately. But to be honest, the best way would be that the modder makes it swinging around to the backside and then put a trailer hitch on the back, which would be the 'normal' option for a single vehicle use equipment!
    Forget the poplar frame – I've just tested it, it neither hooks up to the conveyor belt nor does it to the 3pt-ball-connector.

  6. I'm definitely going to get that Potato picker upper. I was just harvesting a field of potatoes with the Lanz-John Deere LK30 and was having to load them up by bucket into some trailers (500l per bucket!). I was just thinking how I wished they're was a belt system to pick up the 'taters by just driving over the "swath".

    I still got the other half of the field to do, but I'll at least have a quicker time with it now. Guess I'll have to use the "Follow Me" mod since helpers can't run it by themselves.

  7. If you disconnect the trailer from the back of the truck cab will it then allow the crane to grab the trailer?
    I know it has to be disconnected before it will offload

  8. It's like a last minute surprise Advent calendar for mods, and behind the flap for the 23rd we have this interesting lot! Love those booths from OmaTana and the International Transtar pack! That lizard rake is really nice too with the PTO transfer to the rear, it definitely had a wider turning circle than some things but I think maybe it looked worse because you had a JCB with all wheel steer there so it was turning more than the rake could cope with, MrSealyP.

    We shall see what tomorrow brings! Cheers Mate!

  9. Yup, FS19 physics at it's finest with at MAN.

    The trailer was still attached to the truck, there's a hitch it attaches to behind the cab.

  10. On the MAN truck, control group "nil" has "detach" as an option. Once detached, the trailer can be grabbed and lifted by the crane. It's still a little touchy to get it unloaded without some, umm.. scratches. But the crane works great. It's one of the easiest to control and keeps hold of a log once grabbed. It's actually a nicely compact setup and a change from the norm. I like it.

  11. Thank you for making videos this week. It's like you were on holiday and got called in to work. Also, I believe Bollard is not the word that caused the "issue". It was definitely "Kuhn" which was probably flagged by an automatic "bot", that randomly filters for keywords that are slang and offensive. It being mistaken as an offensive word is a stretch, as far as racism goes, because it's used in hundreds of videos, that don't get flagged, about hunting with dogs in the U.S.

  12. That flute song was Entre le bœuf et l’âne gris french song from 1600 century….but now days know beter some kind religous x-mass song …i think there dont come any copyrigth issues lol

  13. Too bad the truck modder added that garbage poundsign slogan. I would have downloaded it and found a use for it. Oh well, I guess farm sim has gone political now ?? but on the bright side, Missy B update ? Eureka farms ? lizard rake ? transtar dump truck ? (I've wanted a dump truck forever) KBM cultivator ? …. Time to turn off the phone, lock the doors and play farm sim til 2021 arrives.


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