20+ NEW MODS / LAND ROVER? / (Review) Farming Simulator 19 PS4 FS19 13th Nov 2020.


20+ NEW MODS / LAND ROVER? / (Review) Farming Simulator 19 PS4 FS19 13th Nov 2020. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Lizard D838 By: Ostry/Kasztan18, T088 Bale Trailer By: Aaa modding /Banana Joe Modding/UNorby, JCB Workmax 800D By: WhiteBull Modding, Massey Ferguson 283 Brazil By: Conta Comigo Modding/JA Modding/Hugo Miotto, Massey Ferguson 283 Year 2002 By: FBR Modding, CaseIH Puma Tier 4B By: blauea, AFM Santana 88 (Land Rover) By: AFModding, SIP Disc 300 By: BGamer003, Lizard Homemade Plow By: blueking, Heavy Meadow Rollers By: BlendArt/Kolchozník jr/TT Czech Modding/AgroSketch, Metaltech TS 18/18000 By: Matt26, Trailer Bi-train Cotton Bales Autoload By: Piazada Do Farm/ZT Modding, Cow Statue By: Tailan/ Agro Mods, Dairy With Farm Shop By: moechtegernbauer, Cowshed + Open Chickencoop By: SN Modding, Large UK Chicken Shed By: GreenBale & Modern Farmhouse Pack I By: AFModding.



Instagram: @mrsealyp

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  1. I love the land rovers but I find them difficult to drive as they are right hand drive (the pickups in the game are left hand drive) and when I am towing a trailer with animals, the back dips horribly and makes it even more difficult to drive

  2. I do not know if it was this video or the other mod review, but if your having problems looking for mods you download look on the brand tab. From my experience, some mods will not show up under their "purpose".

  3. MrSealyp love the vid as usual and so happy to have Land Rover been waiting for ages for one. Did you or anyone else notice its Right Hand Drive like all UK vehicles, the only one I think in FS19 its awesome, wish more design options, with like design color and off road pack maybe

  4. Hello Mr. P! Brother, even though I play on PC, I will be downloading the Landy. I love it! I want to support the console version. I started on console for FS15 Bjornholm. Another excellent video good Sir!!! Sorry I don't get to watch every video. Busy with work and life, Holiday season, Family and Grandkids. {life}…

  5. Anybody else playing North Coast and downloaded the Land rover? Since I have done this, the map has become a bit laggy in places. Anybody else?

  6. Hey mrsealyp. old Xbox dude here I like it a lot also right side land rover now I will be driving on the wrong side. of the road love it as always. Enjoyed God Bless be safe

  7. Yes yes yes, a RHD Landrover another one of those, they said it would never happen on console moments. AF modding thank you, thanks also MrSealyp

  8. When seen the Land Rover in mod hub this morning I thought of mr sealey p with his mention of owning one and six ashes it is definitely perfect for it. Is there an appropriate (realistic) tipping trailer for it ?? I think there is a Ifor Williams on pc but I don’t know about PS4 – console.

  9. I downloaded the rover right off out of concern Giants made a mistake and naturally bought it immediately. Only negative i had is it's very quick to like 30 mph and sometimes feels jerky. Still love it

  10. can i ask is mr sealyP a similarity to oh you silly pea or mr silly p i've heard it before somewhere every time you say me mr sealy p i think of that with me mr silly pea do you know anything of this haha.

  11. I remember Mr Clarkson saying that Range Rovers have haters as well as lovers and occasionally get keyed and abused but Land Rovers are universally loved, he’d never seen a Landy vandalised.

  12. Can’t wait to see you in the Land Rover in your next vid & i is looking forward to the bio gas vid as I know this is one of your FS lifelines great stuff Paul ?

  13. I think the bale trailer has a pto cause its homemade from an old manure spreader. Shootout to the modders who made the Gregoire Besson front plough, and the update of the Fendt 900 gen6 (worklights are better but not perfect)

  14. I hope they add more harvesters in I like the new harvester they added a couple of days ago but it's only one harvester though I love to see if they can add a 1980 John Deere turbo7720 harvester


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