A TRIUMPH!! “WESTBRIDGE HILLS 22” FS22 MAP TOUR! NEW MOD MAP | Farming Simulator 22 (Review) PS5.


A TRIUMPH!! “WESTBRIDGE HILLS 22” FS22 MAP TOUR! NEW MOD MAP | Farming Simulator 22 (Review) PS5. Map by: Zero Oito. New to Console! GIANTS Software. What do you start with on New Farmer? What do you start with in Farm Manager and Start from Scratch modes? How many slots does it use? What features stand out? All these questions and more, answered with me… MrSealyp.

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  1. I have to say at first it looked great but after playing it for while I don't like this version of this map. In some ways yes but in reality it's trashed. Sell/buying points are unreasonable and not remotely American. No one drive to a rail yard and has to back into or out of a grain silo…. just inst simulation of the way the industry works. Maybe a small organic baking whatever…. but this is just someone that placed a ton of crap in the way. They played a lot of Sims and MInecraft or something….it looks good but the works don't work for the map. Just selling everything at the only places you can get you're vehicles into and out of isn't a simulation.

  2. Mr. Sealyp – your verbal expressions are in line with how we feel about this map. I was living/working in Australia at the time this first came out. As a Indiana Hoosier, this map hit my homesickness and made life a bit more bearable. Tons of hours spent on this map, redoing the map, etc. Love it.

  3. Unfortunately for my self I did not get that map :(. I am not sure if it is for PC only or something but I did not get it on my ps4. I checked from when this video dropped on here till tonight and still nothing. I hope it does come because I always loved westbridge hills.

  4. I tried downloading this map from one of the sites and its not showing up in game despiote clicking and dragging the zip file into the mods folder. I download it,click and drag it into the mods folder,laujnch the game and go to the map selectyion screen and it's not on the likst. sdorry gfpr tyjer typosd but im in NO mood topp corect my grammar right now

  5. Fyi…. the lime Station is skinny… so… don't use dual tires. Everyone knows the first time laying lime on a field takes a lot so single tires for the lime station. And… lower your crop sensor on the front of your using one.


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