Everything you need to know about Soybeans in Farming Simulator 22


In todays how to video we take a look at soybeans and what it takes to seed, harvest, transport soybeans as well as what those beans can be used for. Soybeans are one of the few crops that can not be used in any form of base game production aide from using them as a food source for pigs there a cash crop.

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  1. Destoned? Geesh, I’m glad I’m playing the Switch edition. It requires much less to farm. I am only trying to find out if I can farm soybean in my current edition, but if it takes forever I’ll stick with wheat. Of course this edition doesn’t have seasonal harvesting.

  2. Fun fact. When cia tried to grow soy in Afg the locals destroyed the crops and told them they’ll never grow it in their country. And based Taliban destroyed the fields
    Soy gives you bish tits. Turns your kids into troons.

  3. For those gamers that are not farmers and may not know, soybeans are a legume, and like most other legumes, have the ability to supply their own nitrogen fertilizer.

    Unlike corn, wheat and most other row crops grown, the soybean is able to obtain its own nitrogen fertilizer through a process of N fixation, which begins with the formation of a nodule on the root.

    Nitrogen fixation is achieved through a biological process between the soybean and a particular species of soil bacteria, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, that invade the root and multiply within the root cells.
    The bacteria obtains sugars from the soybean to use as their energy source, and the soybean obtains nitrogen from the bacteria through the process of converting atmospheric nitrogen (N2) in the air to nitrates (NH3) the plant can then use.

    Because of this, soybeans are able to fix most of the nitrogen it needs and it also takes up residual and mineralized nitrogen from the soil.
    Generally nitrogen needs are sufficient up to about 60 bushels an acre. As yields increase above that level a nitrogen deficiency may result.

    Because soybeans can fix their own nitrogen, additional nitrogen fertilizers are not needed and this has been successful for over half a century.

    Soybeans as well as alfalfa and clover can be used in a rotational series with corn to help supply some base nitrogen to the ground and helps to reduce the amount of manufactured nitrogen for the following year‘s corn crop.
    Alfalfa and clover can also be plowed under as a “green manure”.

    Lime can be applied at any time after the previous crop has been harvested. Lime is not lost by leaching, so it can be applied whenever practical. Agronomist recommend putting down lime several months before planting, so the lime has enough time to neutralize soil acidity.

  4. It’s amazing how shortsighted Giants could have been not include soybeans in the production chain!

    After years of research and development, the number of products made with soybeans today is mine boggling and are in so many things a person wouldn’t even think of.

    When soybeans are processed, a 60 pound bushel will yield about 11 pounds of crude soybean oil and 47 pounds of meal. Soybeans are about 18% oil and 38% protein.

    Because soybeans are high in protein they are a major ingredient and can be fed to all livestock.

    Not only are soybeans beneficial as part of high protein animal feed, soy based products are also very healthy for human consumption, being made into products including:
    soy milk, soy flour, soy protein, tofu, margarine, salad dressings, mayonnaise, oils for cooking and frying, and many retail food products. Some foods are packed in soybean oil, such as tuna and sardines. Baked breads, crackers, cakes, cookies and pies have soybean oil in them.

    Soybeans are also used in many non-food industrial products.

    Of course biodiesel is the most well-known industrial use of soybeans.
    Bio diesel fuel for diesel engines is produced from soy bean oil by a simple process called transesterification. This process removes the glycerin from the oil leaving soil biodiesel. Soy biodiesel is cleaner burning than petroleum based diesel oil. It’s use reduces particulate emissions, and it’s non-toxic renewable and environmentally friendly.

    Bio-composites are building materials made from recycled newspaper and soybeans. They replace other products traditionally made from wood, such as furniture, flooring, and countertops.

    Particleboard, laminated plywood and fingerjointed lumber are made with soy based wood adhesives.

    Soy products are also found in many popular brands of home and commercial carpeting and in auto upholstery applications.

    Soy produces an environmentally friendly solvent that safely and rapidly removes oils from creeks, streams and shorelines without harming people, animals and the environment.

    Soy oil is also an ingredient in many industrial lubricants, solvents, cleaners and paints.

    Candles made with soybean oil burn longer and with less smoke and soot.

    Soy ink is superior to petroleum based inks because it is non-toxic, renewable and environmentally friendly and it cleans up easily.

    Soy crayons made by the Dixon Ticonderoga Company replace petroleum used in regular crayons with soy, making them non-toxic and safer for children.

    Soy based lubricants are as good as petroleum based lubricants, but can withstand higher heat. More importantly they are non-toxic.

    Soy based hydraulic fluid and rail flange lubricants are among the more recent products developed.

    Soy based foams have been developed for use in coolers, refrigerators, automotive interiors and even footwear. Beginning in 2007, the Ford Mustang and other vehicles rolled off the production line with soy foam in the seats.
    New uses in the automotive equipment industry followed, including lubricants, body parts, interiors and seating.

    The plastic body panels on John Deere combines as well as tractors are soy based.

    Really Giants, you really really dropped the ball on all of the possibilities for soybean production in FS 22!

  5. Sorry for spamming you on this video. I tried to add a comment to another of your recent videos concerning a problem finding the right download site for mods. But my comment was deleted twice. So you will probably not see that many comments to an otherwise very good discussion.


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