Farm Sim News & New Mods – December 29, 2020
“MF20, Big Updates, Farminopolis Map, & JD Takeover!”
FSNews New Mods FS19 – Farming Simulator 19
0:00 – Farm Sim News
0:10 – Today’s Top Stories
0:49 – John Deere X9!
1:17 – Massey MF20!
1:45 – Updates From Karl!
2:15 – New Swath System!
2:54 – John Deere Mower!
3:11 – Case IH 7150!
3:32 – Connect Modding!
4:07 – Farmnopolis Map!
4:26 – Goodies From Jacto!
4:43 – John Deere Baler!
5:07 – John Deere Roller!
5:26 – John Deere Spreader!
5:48 – John Deere Disk!
6:10 – Greenlands!
6:39 – Mod Release Dates
7:12 – Outro
7:49 – John Deere 8RX 410 Model
SiiD –
PeterJ –
KarlFarms –
Sr.Vertex –
Sleutjes –
Agro Tonho –
Connect –
Cola –
JA –
SM Farm –
Farm Centro Sul –
LR Modding –
Peter716 –
#FarmingSimulator #FarmSimNews #FSNews
Thank You For Watching Today’s Video! Check Out The Featured Playlists To Keep The Party Going!
? Featured Video Playlists! ?
Farming Simulator 19 –
New Mods FS19 –
Farm Sim News –
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? Download Links That Support The Channel! ?
Alpine Farming DLC –
Kverneland Vicon DLC –
Bourgault DLC –
Farming Simulator 19 Platinum DLC –
Farming Simulator 19 –
FS20 On Nintendo Switch! –
FS20 On Mobile! –
Bourgault DLC –
John Deere DLC –
Anderson DLC –
John Deere Gator –
? Custom Farm Sim News PC Specs! ?
CPU – AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core 16-Thread 3.7 GHz
Graphics Card – Nvidia RTX 2070 Super – Founders Edition
Motherboard – Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming ATX
Memory – Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB 3000mhz DDR4
Capture Cards – Elgato 4K60 Pro (Internal)
Storage – WD Blue SSD M.2 500 GB, WD 1 TB Hard Drive
Power Supply – MasterWatt 650 Watt 80 Plus Bronze
Case – Cooler Master MasterCase H500 Mesh
Fans – 3x Cooler Master 200mm RGB, 1x 120mm
Microphone – Shure KSM27
Interface – Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 2nd Gen
? Video Editing Computer! ?
iMac Retina 5k 27” 2019
CPU – Intel Core i9 8-Core 16-Thread 3.6 GHz
Memory – 64 GB 2666 DDR4
Storage – 500 GB SSD + 1T SSD
If you are on the green team, you're going to love today! There's some stuff in here for the red fans too, don't worry! ?
This is the only video scheduled for today, however stay tuned to the channel because I will be live streaming tomorrow for my birthday! (no idea what time yet)
I have a question. What is the most American map you can get on console besides bucks county pa?
Has anyone had a problem with the animal trigger not working on oberkerbac animal dealer on ps4.
I wonder if he plays FS19?
I wish a modder would make the vermeer zero turn round baler. That would be so handy especially on maps with small fields.
I’m looking forward to the John Deere mower
I was wondering guys I just started on this game but I've deleted about 4 farms already because of messed up land sculpting and running outta space slots was wondering if any of you all had an idea 4 a map with lots of space and flat land and plenty of slots for stuff or a way around the slot problem appreciate the help and I'm on ps4 if anyone has any advice ??
can someone post the best place to get mods
Hi everyone. Another fantastic video dj.
I would like to see more John deere Equipment. Foresure would to see some more seeders and cultivators because we only have 1 John deere seeder currently which is the (8350).
We have 3 current planters and we only have 1 cultivator which is the (2680h)
High performance disk.
So anyways I am really looking forward to John deere equipment.
Also as a console player I'm still experiencing issues with the precision farming economic analysis page where is constantly resets the data from my fields when I save and log off and when I go back in its gone . It needs to be updated because there is still bugs . Thank u and to everyone have a fantastic new year.
Happy farming
What happened to the case MX
I love watching all DJ games videos I love DJ go ham channel
Where is quad
Hey DJI was playing Bucks County today in I found a glitch All the vehicles are falling through the ground you can't even drive on the road 0 stay
Magnum squad
We need more cars to much trucks
Deadly hat dj I love it haha
Can me and my buddy play online together on farm simulator 19 on ps4s
So basically console players are the ones getting screwed because of giants bull crap
why would anyone get "banned" for making a mod with 3d tracks….? is giants insane?!
If anyone can share that idea maybe itll happen
Happy birthday djgoham
Do you have any news on the millennial farmer map?
Did you have a good Christmas dj
Where’s the plager outlaw ?
This is 10000000000% better than the Normal news
This video is a jhonpocolips
Hey DJ is it okay if I ask you to ask some of your modder buddies if any of them are working on any new MB Trac mods/models? The current two sizes on the modhub are awesome but Mercedes did make a medium and I think a large version of the MB Trac lineup that would fit amazingly into the game.
Awesome vid DJ! Im excited for the new Jatco map and the John Deer baler. Keep up the good work bro! ?
Giants should have added the 3d tracks in an update instead of the actual dlc. Personally should of added them at the beginning
Always great to see new mods from you telling me dj thank you very much
Just wondering why no one does Claas mods? And why has no one thpught about making a auto load header trailer lol
Case IH not Case.
Looooove me some BIG RED MODS!!! 🙂 🙂
When is the mf pack coming
I just bought a model of a real-life 4020 model
Yes the john deere baler is back baby
When does giants get off their brake?
Ooh yes a MF20! Looking forward to that.
I think giants just decided to once again hate on console players and just wanted to take away 3d tracks because they know we loved having them. Giants always seems to shaft console players whenever they have an opportunity to do do.
Mf20 for consoles???
All I want is newer john deere large tractors
I wouldn't bother with 3D tracks on the combine because you never know with Giants they may say they stole it again from a DLC. And that's what they should do is only have PC for 3D tracks.
I was hoping we'd get a packer for the 2410 it'll plow then prep the seed bed all in one pass
Can fast farm with 2410 John Deere plow
Hey Dj happy early birthday and is the plager outlaw in testing for all platforms