Farm Sim News & New Mods – December 12, 2020
“Massive Trex600 Update, Deutz 16006, UTV Updates, & New Mods!”
FSNews New Mods FS19 – Farming Simulator 19
0:00 – Farm Sim News
0:10 – Today’s Top Stories
0:50 – New Mods Out Now!
1:48 – Giveaway #11!
2:27 – Trex600 Update!
3:18 – Deutz Fahr 16006!
3:46 – NH & Case UTV’s!
4:17 – Lizard TM Series!
4:52 – 4D Modding’s Work!
5:46 – Flex Rake!
6:36 – VertexDezign Mods!
7:34 – PolyCount’s Weight!
7:58 – 3 Point Crane!
8:09 – John Deere 2660VT!
8:25 – Workshop Issues?
8:50 – DJ’s Updates!
9:33 – Mod Release Dates & Recap!
10:01 – The Stereotypical Outro
10:33 – Live Stream or nah?
Mods In Testing –
News Mods List –
Giants Giveaway –
Blacksheep YT –
Vector Man YT –
JA Modding –
Sleutjes –
4D –
Whitebull –
Vertexdezign –
PolyCount –
JV 3D –
LR Modding –
Dasch –
DJ Modding –
#FarmingSimulator #FarmSimNews #FSNews
Thank You For Watching Today’s Video! Check Out The Featured Playlists To Keep The Party Going!
? Featured Video Playlists! ?
Farming Simulator 19 –
New Mods FS19 –
Farm Sim News –
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Alpine Farming DLC –
Kverneland Vicon DLC –
Bourgault DLC –
Farming Simulator 19 Platinum DLC –
Farming Simulator 19 –
FS20 On Nintendo Switch! –
FS20 On Mobile! –
Bourgault DLC –
John Deere DLC –
Anderson DLC –
John Deere Gator –
? Custom Farm Sim News PC Specs! ?
CPU – AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core 16-Thread 3.7 GHz
Graphics Card – Nvidia RTX 2070 Super – Founders Edition
Motherboard – Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming ATX
Memory – Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB 3000mhz DDR4
Capture Cards – Elgato 4K60 Pro (Internal)
Storage – WD Blue SSD M.2 500 GB, WD 1 TB Hard Drive
Power Supply – MasterWatt 650 Watt 80 Plus Bronze
Case – Cooler Master MasterCase H500 Mesh
Fans – 3x Cooler Master 200mm RGB, 1x 120mm
Microphone – Shure KSM27
Interface – Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 2nd Gen
? Video Editing Computer! ?
iMac Retina 5k 27” 2019
CPU – Intel Core i9 8-Core 16-Thread 3.6 GHz
Memory – 64 GB 2666 DDR4
Storage – 500 GB SSD + 1T SSD
Well, that's one way to start the day! FSNews and Mods in one video, granted it's only one mod pack. But still! Tons more to talk about, so let's get into it! =D
We will be live streaming later today, however there is no start time as of yet. I still have to go to work tonight to DJ, so it will be earlier. Maybe around 1-2pm eastern.
It would be awesome if they made the trex sell the wood as you grind it !
Dj how do i participate to do advent calander
Is LR modding going to make a console version of the John Deere VT tool
As always great gob
Leys hope the jd planter goes multi fruit
Can someone explain this to me? by him saying something will be PC only, does that include it going on the ingame modhub for PC?
Iv been having problems with westbridge hills map constantly crashing my game on ps4 after the update to it
Same on xbox used once on dash workshop then disappeared
Great farmsimNews as always, appreciate these daily news videos DJ. You put alot of work in these., prep work/ investigating, facebook,homepages etc. Then planning and editing ? Great work.
Hey is the John Deere 2660 vt coming to consoles
My game kept crashing on PS4 and then when I deleted the Lizard T-150K it stopped crashing. What should I do and who else has that problem???
When is the mods in the video on dec 12 going to be done and the John Deere 8960
Djgoham’s outtro, still in testing
Dj. With the new factories pack for console, can we have access to the animals now while factories is downloaded?
There’s some good stuff coming soon it would seem, thanks DJ ?
If you use the Agronic WR500 (modhub) you can get workers to bail on console ?
Do you have an update on the John Deere 5E tractor?
Would love to see an updated version of the “Starting a new map” videos, loving the content, keep it up!
I have no problem
Please can someone send me the intro music for the morning because I get so hiped when I hear it
i am having problems with the ingame modhub i cant get into it and i am also not able to go into the animalpen thing in the ingame store do you know if there are any bugs dj
Will carrots and irrigation be coming to ps4, I hope so the looked cool on pc video I have seen
I for one can’t wait for the flexrake. I’ve seen a few videos of it in real life and it looks really cool
Your tractor is like bouncing all over the place
With the shop it’s happening to me to
We need like a map with an interstate
Why isn’t deer county for consoles
The six row jd planter uses to much seed.
wheres the gatorrrrr
Can we get a better Sugarcane harvester ??? Or is this it IRL ???
Hey dj is it just my xbox or is the console mod hub down?