FIRST LOOOK AT FS23 GAMEPLAY! – Farming Simulator 23 – Mobile


GIANTS Software let me have an early access to play the new mobile game, Farming Simulator 23 for mobile platforms and Nintendo Switch coming May 23rd of 2023!

Order Farming Simulator 22:

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Farming Simulator 22 Modding Tutorials:
Farming Simulator 22 Kubota Pack:
Farming Simulator 22 Platinum Expansion:
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Farming Simulator 19 DLC Links:
John Deere Gator:
Anderson Group:
Platinum Expansion:
John Deere Cotton:
Kverneland & Vicon:
Alpine Expansion Now:



  1. Dear Farmer Cop,

    I hope this message finds you well. As an aspiring editor, I have recently come across your wonderful YouTube channel and have been impressed by the content you create. I wanted to reach out and offer my editing services to help enhance the overall quality of your videos. With my skills in video editing and my passion for storytelling, I believe I can bring a fresh perspective to your content and help captivate your audience even more. If you're interested in collaborating or discussing further, I would be delighted to connect. Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Best regards,


  2. Great Video! Sending AI workers to locations was a feature in FS 18. It went away in FS 20. I'm glad to see it return for FS 23! ? I started my FS "career" with FS 16. I didn't start until 2020 and it was a free app on Android. Been hooked ever since……? I would watch videos of 23 by you. ?

  3. Just can't do the mobile game. Especially if mods are not implemented. Mods are what make FS more realistic and fun. Will stick with the PC version.


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