FS19 | CRACKING NEW MODS! | (Review) Farming Simulator 19 | 16th-17th August 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.
Mods: VStR Platform Autoload By: raulycristi1 (VSR Modding Sur), Super Bale Grab
By: AMG Gaming, Workshop By: Ls_Dezign, Massey Ferguson DM 8314 By: Ls_Agrar_Ole, Dual Chamber Front Tank + Patoz Chopper Pack By: EY Modding, Massey Ferguson 6000 Series Dyna 4 By: JV3D Modding/STv Modding, ZZP-60(ZM-60A) By: Pavel_Tikhonov & (Fortschritt) MDW 527 By: Lukasino.
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Just wondering if that Holland harvester set will working on contracts without seasons or with seasons mod like milling machine collecting the straw. MrSealyp thank you for another great review ( please check the pm MrSealyp ).
Yor right very good mod review love the bale trailer I had the rats bale trailer but it didn't work for me but loving this one like the idea of a harvester picking up its swarth that's good the belt system smoking did u check it had oil or maybe u need 2 adjust belt 2 make it run with out smoke ?
Glad you are back. Was missing my SealyP fix.
Never mind.. missed that bit lol
What header are you using???
Thank you for sharing, much appreciated.
Will the trailer work on contracts to allow you to collect the straw that is normally left behind?
Hello there I just wanted to add a thing that has been bugging me for a long time I love your reviews on these mods but almost two years of fs19 Giant and no modders have the ability to come up with a Gleaner combine four consoles I'm a big fan of Gleaner combines
Thank you Mr. Sealy P
Love the way you always demonstrate how all the mods work ?????
Nice selection of mods. Especially the pick up thingy and the straw thingy for the combine.
Boys and there Toys ? hey Mrsealeyp ?
Frotess mdw527 Looks So Perfect it looks so good so happy they added another older combine harvester that looks so cool I love the blue finally they added more new models of combine Harvesters
It's a bugger we never got a auto load log trailer
The legend is back!
There is a fergie front mower that’s already out but that’s all you got and not the butterfly mower
Great mod review ? and pleased see you back
It's funny that I saw these mods on modhub, but think that will be nice to wait MrSealyP review to see how they work before download ?
glad to see you're back MR. Sealy p.
You forgot to at least open the fridge in the workshop see what's inside lol
I watched this video of the MDW https://youtu.be/CkO_Re2XoEo it does seem pretty quiet.
Thank you great video
Great to see you back in action sir
When you change the engine on the NH combine it also changes the grain tank capacity.
Great mod review mr P thanks for your time mods explained and tested like all ways so we see if they stand up to your testing great work ??????⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was playing around on Sandy Bay the other day wishing there was that exact mod, with the harvester that directly shoots straw into a trailer. It takes so long on single player to do large fields so many times over. This bit of kit consolidates yet another group of tasks. Love it!
I wish there was a old Massey 712 potato harvester we sold 1 and have 2 or 3 ready to be restored
19:18 great alternative to conveyor belts, thanks
27:10 is there something similar in real life?
It is the other front mower DM386.
can someone please make new trailers,houses, shops, and maybe bring some older pickup trucks ?
So the question is , can you use another trailer for the straw blower?
Bale trailer nice but will it load 7500 liter bales like 82s studios goose neck
I downloaded the bail trailers yesterday and wondered if there was a hitch option thank you
24th welcome back missed you and your witty ness