FS19 | NEW MODS | + BIG WRECK-IT UPDATE! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 | 7th September 2021.


FS19 | NEW MODS | + BIG WRECK-IT UPDATE! (Review) Farming Simulator 19 | 7th September 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Wind Turbine Pack By: Kirjen, 82’s Outdoors Camp Site By: lancyboy/82Studio, Big And Medium And Small Sheds By: Matej Mods, Grain Barn
By: lancyboi, Ermo Levante By: SMI Modding Team, MAX CHISEL MC5319
By: LRModding & TLX Phoenix Service Pack By: 82Studio.

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  1. How come no field's have drain tiles I surveyed all over states and if they needed to be placed they had them seen some from 1907 that the farm been in family before it was a state in south east Iowa

  2. The turbines in the pack you looked at are supposed to be so that bats can see them better conventional turbines for bats con fined a path around them without hurting or killing them selves.
    I’ve seen them on exmoor on holiday .

  3. Those windmills look really cool, excellent for a solar+wind farmer like me 😉 The Ermo Levante is indeed beautifully made, very detailed. People can say all they want about smaller equipment. I just use big equipment on big fields and small ones on small fields. That way I can enjoy all equipment(and keep realism).

  4. Great review, MrSealyP, and a good selection of mods and updates too! Always good to have some 3 metre action early in the week too and some nice looking buildings for all the Shed Enthusiasts out there too!!

    That pack from 82studio is, as his mods are, amazing! Such a huge amount of detail and quality goes into his mods, innovative and clever functions too especially since he found a way to make the Wreck-It module something that works on console too!

  5. Service truck need to be able to repair an Service your equipment in the field. Ever since fs 17 . We all needed a field Service truck . I don't understand why they don't .


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