GRIMME DLC – First Look! Farming Simulator


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Good news for all of you potato enthusiasts: Peppe978-Team FSI Modding and GIANTS Software will release the official GRIMME Equipment Pack. Made by the winners of the Mod Contest Special Award, Team FSI extends Farming Simulator 19 with 14 new machines dedicated to specialized potato harvesting. Pre-Orders are now open!

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  1. Thanks for watching everyone, it was meant to be a longer stream but my cat decided otherwise lol She likes to start singing when I am recording

  2. and me reading the comments be like: ""“Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “YouTube is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Pokemon cards" "card unboxing" "Charizard" "they don't want you to know" "Flat earth" "round earth" "triangle earth" "the earth is not earth" "what even is earth if not earth omg government is lying to you" "Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “YouTube is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Halo" "Devil may cry" “YouTube is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” “Cocomelon” “t series” “Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “YouTube is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Pokemon cards" "card unboxing" "Charizard" "they don't want you to know" "Flat earth" "round earth" "triangle earth" "the earth is not earth" "what even is earth if not earth omg government is lying to you" "Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" “YouTube is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” "Runescape" "World of Warcraft" "Shadowlands" "Dream" "MrBeast" "Warzone" "FaZe Clan" "100 Thieves" "Call of Duty" "Pokemon" "Halo" "Devil may cry" “YouTube is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits.” “Cocomelon” “t series”
    "Outer wilds"

  3. @2:22 Id wish some other games took this sort of road on the DLC mod question rather then…i dno..let the single player die a dark death while you fight modders tryin to make it into something while raking in the big dough by making childern into little gambling addicts via microtransactions… while it can be so good; the developer makes sure the overal works, recognised talent gets the chance to show their skills , low cost for the development; high quality expansive content that is made primarily because these modders moddelers etc aside from work do it as an art, It's nice to see that theres some developers that make that work and so can easily extend the life of the game meaningfully, in fact I wish modern games were build like that; like the RCT model; so you buy a base game 30 bucks, contains the map the major stuff, the red line, then over time with developer support let modders and coders go wild with some thoughtful experienced advise from the companys view and sell it as DLC/expansion packs…i dont WANT 9586 reskinned bloody cars, we want interesting vistas, jokes, folly, should be a law that makes reskins a maximum value of a few pennie rather then hard euros pounds or dollars per

  4. Wish I had seen the affiliate link before I pre-ordered, sorry. the last machine on the new holland is almost the same as ours, I mentioned it in the no-mans land chat a month or so ago, great for a small holding, you still have the problem of picking up though, usually by hand into baskets and then onto a trailer.


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