GUIDE TO GROWING GRASS & HAY – Farming Simulator 22


This video will teach you how to grow and produce grass and hay in Farming Simulator 22.

00:00 – Intro
0:27 – Field Prep
1:16 – Lime
2:21 – Seeding
5:10 – Fertilizing
6:31 – Mowing/Harvesting
10:00 – Picking Up Grass
11:31 – Making Hay
12:36 – Equipment Demos
14:48 – Outro

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  1. Wow why is grass disabled ffs. Man I'm half way through cultivating again cause I thought it wasn't growing on the map. Yet said it was growing in the field….this game is so confusing ?

  2. I like that Directseed mod in the Farming Simulator 22 mod hub. It lets that amazon seeder be a direct drill. It only lets the ones that have a harrow on it..

  3. Need help!

    How do I get grass to re-grow?
    I've mowed one cut but the field state is still on harvested, do I need to roll after every cut?

  4. I tested my baling equipment on the grass surrounding my fields and found that if I cut, bale and wrap, I can make 50,000€ on the peak silage sale. Thanks for the helpful vid.

  5. I played fs19 seasons for so long, I've been waiting for days to pass and dry the tended grass to the light almost yellow color to actually be hay lmao. I feel dumb

  6. As usual another great tutorial video, thank you.
    One thing, the Krone Big X will tow a trailer and fill it with the cut grass or chaff automatically. This will save you a step, not to mention the additional expense of a forage wagon.

  7. If you used the first expensive lawn mower, picked the grass up with the forager wagon and emptied it, then used a Tedder would that still make the same amount of hay?

  8. Brand new to the game here, i bought the land in the top right of the American map, got all the grass out, but couldn't figure out how to sell the grass as is… what am I missing please?

  9. I have the switch edition. I planted grass and some other crops at the same time, have still not seen any growth and my other crops are ready to harvest.. the rollers aren’t available in my store.. I’m very confused, what am I missing? Needs plowing is off.

  10. So I planted grass andbm then waited. I checked the field stats and it said ready to harvest. I mowed it with a mod johndeere batwing bush hog. It wouldn't let me wind rower or anything. What woukd cause this to happen

  11. So I just got FS 22 and I got like 500 or 600 hours on FS 19. I got a field of grass that been harvest and I let several months pass and its not regrowing. Am I missing something with FS 22 grass vs FS 19 grass regrowing just curious

  12. So should I also turn off helper to buy fertilizer as well? If I purchase it I don't want to pay more if that is what this setting does.


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