INTRO TO AUTODRIVE – Part 1 – Farming Simulator 22


This video will get you started on the basics to the Autodrive mod in Farming Simulator 22.


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  1. Can the menu be dragged to a second display, planning on getting a pc with a small touch screen display as a third screen that can sit with a tablet for sim dashboard, I think that would be cool

  2. Maybe someone will come in handy. The "AutoDrive" mod conflicts with the "Extended Cruise Control" mod. The tractor driver (tried different, mod, default ones), according to the delivery mode, brings the trailer with the harvest to the point of sale, stops in front of the point of sale, turns off the tractor and stands, spends his salary. I removed the "Extended Cruise Control" mod and everything became normal – the tractor drove the trailer to the point of sale, unloaded the crop, then drove to the location and finished the job.

  3. Been trying to figure out how to create the Yellow points routes that only allow vehicle go down certain roads that are only attach to certain points and can't find video on it, I had someone create routes on for my map and has Yellow point routes

  4. i Keep having problems with not being "able to reach" targets. I trouble shoot to find the problem area…delete all waypoints in the
    area and rebuild and can make it work. But then it will stop at a different location. Everything looks correct (direction etc.) It
    keeps happening…often in straight paths. Very bizarre? I do not see any trouble shooting videos? Suggestions?

  5. Is anyone else having trouble downloading it? I have downloaded it and it shows up in my installed section of the menu, but then if I try to start a map it does not show up there for me to select it……any advice would be awesome!

  6. Haven't used so I am a bit curious…if you record a route with a vehicle that has a really small turning circle, what happens if you then use a vehicle with a terrible turning circle?

  7. A little update to autodrive, DO NOT use routes from the server they are buggy as hell a 100 connections on the highways. Best way to make your own routes. Also do not place unload points to close to each other of the same product, autodrive doesn't read it or something. like point 1,2,3 and when you say unload at 3 it stops at 2 and stays there to unload. somehow it doesn't know how to go to point 3 when on the same line. so when using autodrive be prepared to find a lot of bugs into the system.

  8. Thanks for the video… one of your future tutorial videos on autodrive can you explain how to install a route that somebody else has made. I found on one the mod websites a auto drive route map that somebody made for elm Creek and I don't know how to install it


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