Introduction to Precision Farming (Free DLC out now!)


The Precision Farming Free DLC is now available for Farming Simulator 19 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Download it on the in-game ModHub! Watch our introduction to learn how it works.

More about Precision Farming on our blog!

This EIT Food activity has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, under Horizon2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

EIT Food is Europe’s leading agri-food innovation initiative, with the aim to create a sustainable and future-proof food sector. The initiative is made up of a consortium of key industry players, start-ups, research centres and universities from across Europe. EIT Food aims to collaborate closely with consumers to develop new knowledge and technology-based products and services that will ultimately deliver a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for all European citizens.

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  1. Wish they would change the area you can cover, in real life they only test a few spots in a field, makes doing big fields a lot easier. Sucks if your fields are big on the game. Takes forever!

  2. A disaster this farming precision, I recommend you review it because for the third time I have the crops blocked in the growth phase (console) the map in which I am playing provides for farming precision

  3. Plants free of water deficit events more efficiently absorb available plant nutrients enabling plants to achieve their maximum genetic potential. SWRT membranes installed below plant root systems retain water where it falls, providing continuous delivery of drought-free periods up to 3 times longer than intensely irrigated control sands without root zone water retention membranes (Guber et al, 2016).

  4. Si estas buscando un tutorial en español sobre Precision Farming DLC, puedes encontrar una guia completa al clickear en este perfil (el video es el que aparece en inicio)

  5. hello giants sofware I was thinking that farming simulator 19 would make it free to play a little on ps4 I really like this game the most favorite of all the other games please fulfill this wish if you are annoyed please hope my wish comes true you are with best regards

  6. So old graphics. You do DLC for money but the graphic on this game looks like 5 years old in 2016. Where is farming simulator 21 ? For DLC is not a pandemic problem only for a new game ??

  7. It would be much more real and cool if when it rained at Farming the sun would hide and there would be no dust, a good suggestion to make the game more immersive.

  8. The sequel DLC: Accurate John Deere tractors. Ones that need to be towed 500 miles if a part breaks to a "certified technician"

    It could have tractor hacking too

  9. mh when they would fix that the gfx card would use 100% usage than i could play it, but hey my Ryzen 7 2700x 1070Zotac and 32GB RAM are to low to have 60fps in that game ^^

  10. Вот это по-настоящему интересно, впервые хочется сказать спасибо за дополнение?

  11. I still can’t believe how much I’ve enjoyed this game.
    I got it for free as a psplus promotion awhile ago, none of my friends believe me when I try to tell then how good it is.

    Just because it isn’t “action packed” doesn’t meen it’s not a good game…
    Even the minecraft fan won’t try it.


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