NEW MODS | NEW MANUFACTURER (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 | 9th April 2021.


NEW MODS | NEW MANUFACTURER (Review) Farming Simulator 19 FS19 | 9th April 2021. PS5. Modhub. GIANTS Software. Focus Home Interactive. What mods do we have? What features do they have? How do they work? How many mb download are they? How many slots do they use? Find out with me… MrSealyp.

Mods: Pack Of Modern Fence + Wooden Shed By: KrzychuTheGamer, Farm Building With Granary By: LeoLeo, Modern Garage With Annex By: farmerfivetom, Lizard Easyscrape By: RossN Mods, Old Bale Trailer By: Szasty, Selvatici Spading Machines 150.95 By: RL Modding – FSI Group & Lizard 600 EL By: Puszkap.

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  1. The granny house could reuse the cript of the dog house. When you place it you get a free granny mesh that just wanders around the place. Oh Granny, why did you walk all the way up to the barley field again, you know you'll get lost.

  2. My condolences on the Prince. Now he has the hope of being resurrected back here to earth in the GRAND RESURRECTION during the 1,000 millennium rule of God’s Kingdom. (Revelation 5:10) no more getting old, sick, or dying!,,

  3. Hah, that Farm Building with Granny reminds me of one of your early Six Ashes episodes where you met that bloke down the pub who had an old dear (Deere) in a shed out the back of his farm for sale! 😀 Also, the animation on that spading machine is wicked! It literally is a bunch of tiny spades pecking at the ground as you drive, fairly simple design mechanically speaking yet it is extremely elegant in that simplicity too!

  4. Did anyone else notice that those wall sections and posts (reviewed first) have a £10 per day maintenance cost EACH !!! Why do mod makers do crap like that? That makes them seriously expensive to place.

  5. I have been asking on a few other videos and have not received a answer what has happened to the straw harvest dlc on consol it has disappeared off my Xbox and its not in the store anymore anybody have any answers?

  6. I'm not a royalist but very sad day with news of Duke of Edinburgh death so sad good man that would have been a g8 mod barn with granny imagine her sitting on a rocking chair with shot gun on her lap also good 2 see new manufacturer good review


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