Precision Farming DLC Tutorial | How to Use! | Farming Simulator 19 | New Mod Review


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The Precision Farming Free DLC is now available for Farming Simulator 19 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

In this video we will test this DLC by taking some soil samples form one field.

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The Precision Farming Free DLC:
Precision Farming is now available in Farming Simulator 19 and comes in the form of a free DLC, initiated by John Deere and financed by EIT Food. It’s now available to download from ModHub on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. So, don’t wait and make your farm more ‘smart’ and efficient!

Not only are there four different soil types (loamy sand, sandy loam, loam and silty clay), you also have to take different pH levels and the content of nitrogen into account when improving your yield. First, you start with sampling the soil to identify its properties and then go on to lime and fertilize with dynamic application rates. The John Deere Gator and ISARIA SCOUT are included in the DLC. Take a look at our introduction video!

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