Precision Farming Free DLC: Release Date Teaser


We tell you the release date for the Precision Farming Free DLC – coming soon to Farming Simulator 19 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!

More about Precision Farming on our blog!

This EIT Food activity has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, under Horizon2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

EIT Food is Europe’s leading agri-food innovation initiative, with the aim to create a sustainable and future-proof food sector. The initiative is made up of a consortium of key industry players, start-ups, research centres and universities from across Europe. EIT Food aims to collaborate closely with consumers to develop new knowledge and technology-based products and services that will ultimately deliver a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for all European citizens.

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  1. Instead of wasting your time with this nonsense you should have been work on a wet mask…such as in Tom Clancy’s wild lands or snow runner. When it rains in fs19 WHY IN THE =+%$*# does the ground still look DRY.

  2. We need a mod that makes mud effect on console I hate the fact that pc gets all the good mode. At lest make it for the new ps5 it's basically a pc platform now.

  3. A new editor that actually look like an actual editor and not an artificially harder version of Unity whitout all the things make Unity great?
    We can't even make a new map from scratch or a road whitout modders.


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