Pumps and Hoses DLC First Look | Farming Simulator 22


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In this video we take a first look at the Pumps n’ Hoses DLC for Farming Simulator 22 and see how to make various pieces work and run.

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  1. Wont be getting this DLC untill atleast 50% off. Payed full price for game + 1 year pass – still have to pay for this. For the price, its NOT worth it. Cashgrab.

  2. Used to work for a hog production company that I did this for a living. We had underground pipe lines all over the farm to supply the effluent. Had a main pump push it from the holding basin and a boost pump at the field to build up gpm. Definitely cool to see this in game as it’s something I did irl.

  3. OMG $25.00 Canadien dollars am sorry but you have to be a foui to pay for that DLC Creative Mesh is trying to get rich with one DLC seriously man .
    Farming simulator is base on having fun not getting rich .

  4. Great video! Thanks Klutch! By the way, double application will give you 2 fertilizer states with 1 pass. With single application you only get 1. That's why the speed changes. ??

  5. where's the Gifu? Where's the drunk guy that pays you? is there no septic tank? can you still fall in and die? do you have to put the cover back on the septic……oh farm sim……boats and hoes!

  6. If the power plant can’t keep up the torch turns on and burns off excess methane which means you lose money. Also the largest fermenter has 240 cycles a day which the other two only have 24. Was a typo. The large is not suppose to be 240.


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