SeedPotato Farm | Mod Review | Farming Simulator 22


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A large Arable farm which specialises in the cultivation and distribution of seed potatoes to be used by other farmers.

Buildings & Productions:

Potato Shed with Sorter
Equiped with 3 ULO fridges they will keep the potatoes from chitting until processing begings in early winter. The sorter organises the potatoes in 3 different sizes, waste size, Seed size which gets used as next years seeding material, and Premium size, which gets sold off for human consumption.

Potato Bagging Production
This all in one production allows the emptying of potato boxes and the repackiging to either bigbags (for seedpotatoes) or 25KG bags (for premium potatoes).

Potato Shed Expansion
Offers an additional 3 ULO fridges and a open workspace for additional productions or machinery storage.

Potato Shed Expansion with workshop
Offers an additional 3 ULO fridges and a open workspace for additional productions or machinery storage together with a workshop.

Farmers Market Extended
Allows you to sell Waste potatoes, Seed potatoes, and Premium potatoes together with all the other base crops that the Farmer’s market accepts.

Supermarket Extended
Allows you to sell Premium potatoes together with all the other base crops that the supermarket accepts.

BGA 99 KW Extended
Allows you to turn Waste potatoes into Electricity, Methane, and Digestate.


HK-25 Front Harrow with Liquid Fertilizer tank
This Powerharrow was modified by the farm to allow for an application of fertilizer together with the newly planted potatoes to give them a better start (Needs to be fillled to be able to be turned on).
Capacity: 1,500L

Grimme GL420
The Grimme GL420 which now accepts Seed Potatoes.
Capacity: 2,665L

Grimme GL8600
The Grimme GL860 which now accepts Seed Potatoes.
Capacity: 8,000L

Grimme RH2460
This in-take bunker was modified by the farm to allow for larger potato boxes to be filled. It also gets used as a buffer when sorting the potatoes. It’s particularly handy to box potatoes during harvest for later processing during winter.
Capacity: 20,000L

TMCCANCELA tjp610Topper
The TMCCANCELA flail which the farm converted to be a haulm topper.

Potato Box
An empty potato box which accepts all bulk filltypes, handy for around the farm.
Capacity: 2000L

New Products & Pallets:

Waste Potatoes (Price -70%)
Seed Potatoes (Price – no change)
Premium Potatoes (Price +40%)
Bagged Seed Potatoes (Price +12%)
Bagged (25Kg) Premium Potatoes (Price +63%)

Price changes are compared to normal potatoes, please note that these prices might fluctuate relatively to each other.

– Fixed the Bagged seed potatoes and Premium potatoes dynamic mount collision, should now be able to pick them up using a forklift
– Please be aware that there is a problem with the Grimme RH, it no longer works inside the building since patch 1.3, you’re still able to use it to make boxed potatoes which you can then hover over the sorter intake.

Game Farming Simulator 22
Manufacturer Lizard
Category Potato Technology
Author Dazed
Size 16.03 MB
Released 08.04.2022
Platform PC/MAC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XBS

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  1. HOW did you get the RH to spawn pallets like that.. not hooked up to a running engine AND it spawns the full pallets?? AND it stayed stable on the forks?! (Took me close to 20 minutes just for 1 pallet to actually spawn and have it get yeeted across the map for no reason other than I picked it up)

  2. Love the mod but mine bugged out. I had 8k in my trailer and the sorter wouldn't take at first. Then the sorter at 12k in it and trailer still had 8k and it kept running nonstop. I ended up with over 40k potatoes before I shut the game off.

  3. solid review FK. I'm guessing the harvesting and planting equipment that comes with this mod can be used for normal field use without going into the sorting, etc part of the mod? I like that larger topper.

  4. Graet video thank you. If this mod gets implemented on some maps maybe I would use it maybe, but as it stands now don't think it should be released in its current format as the mod doesn't work as intended, not too bothered about the excuses from the dev of this mod either if it doesn't work don't release it simple. far too much faffing about to set up as it is.

  5. Hi Farmer Klein, Thank you so much for doing a video on my mod! I'd love to add animations but as far as I know productions don't support animations, or at least not that I've found so far, if I find a way to do it I definitely will add some as it bugs me so much that the model isn't functioning. Happy Farming 🙂

  6. A "slight" upgrade from the Potato washer /Sorter mod in FS19…
    This one really is complex. A tad to much maybe. Hope modder can get the collision thing fixed.


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