"Spectacle Island" New Mod Map Tour in Farming Simulator 19


NEW MOD MAP FOR FARMING SIMULATOR 19! This is a tour of the new mod map in Farming simulator 19 called Spectacle Island. This map was created by ALiEN JiM.

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Map created by: ALiEN JiM
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0:00 – Intro
2:05 -Map Tour
27:55 – Fly Over

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  1. I'm disappointed you didn't show what the horse pen looks like! But other than that, great tour. I will probably play this map next. You always know it's going to be good if Alien Jim made it.

  2. Another great map tour! Have you looked at Sussex farms map by ALiEN JiM? I stumbled across it today and thought it looked very good. And seeing as I lived in Sussex UK until 10 years ago, I was quite attracted to the name 🙂

  3. Honestly once I saw this map was by AJ, I thought the same thing FarmerCop! Sooooooo many role playing ideas!!

    I rarely do forestry and I honestly appreciate AJ for putting the trees in the middle of the fields! It forces me to try new equipment and also new gameplay elements! Ahh I’m just as excited as you were the entire video!! 😀

    Thanks for the tour!!

  4. You can sell logs right from the deck of the logging barge as well as loading the deck up with what you can sell at the other sell point with no vehicle access that FC found

  5. Downloading now, but thinking what type of playthrough to do. Loving FSG's survival on Bulls Gap currently and want to do something similar here…I mean, there's Gold mining! How cool. Plus all the small details and character. AJ outdid himself.
    Now, we just need to all chip in and get Farmer Cop some proper driving lessons ?

  6. If anyone ever wonders why FC’s channel has grown so quickly, just listen to his excitement about putting gold bricks onto a conveyor belt lol genuine love for the game. Keep it up! Also, I appreciate you listing off other maps from the mod maker in the intro. I think that’s an important piece of info for a map review, personally.


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