THE HUNT BEGINS… – Spectacle Island Gameplay Episode 1 – Farming Simulator 19


Welcome to my Spectacle Island treasure hunt roleplay series. Join me as I look for gold while trying to rebuild a farm left to rust.

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Farming Simulator 19 DLC Links:
John Deere Gator:
Anderson Group:
Platinum Expansion:
John Deere Cotton:
Kverneland & Vicon:
Alpine Expansion Now:



  1. Just typical of a mate to get you in trouble like this. I hope the gamble pays off and you find the gold. Great idea FC. Looking forward to this, I can see lots of adventures ahead

  2. Love the addition of the "Jason" and "Kyle" characters. To answer your question 3:18…F11 is the fastest way to get there…just don't let Darindul see ya.

    Also Jason's such a good mechanic he turned those round headlights square.

  3. I've found 18 so far, but lost two while unloading them from the truck (be careful not to drop them when unloading at the mine, the ground eats them!) Can't remember if there's supposed to be 20 or 25, but I've spent about 2 hours looking for the others to no avail.


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