Using a Wheel on FS22! | Thrustmaster T248


Using a steering wheel on Farming Simulator 22!
Thrustmaster T248 Xbox/PC Version

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  1. The steering sensitivity is absolute trash in this game to the point where it’s almost game breaking you can’t drive certain vehicles over certain speeds without flipping them from the smallest little input into analogue stick. This is coming from an individual who plays project cars 2 with a controller, Gran Turismo sport Gran Turismo seven. This game is so great but nearly unplayable for half the vehicles available. Yes if you are working a field most of the issues are not noticeable in a game breaking way. this is a transport driving game. Or you could get all the NPC’s to do it. I like driving.

  2. So there is no way to change the view angle with the wheel controls? This looks like a great wheel, but that might be a deal-breaker for me. I am used to changing view all the time.

  3. Man ur a big inspiration to me on your channel. I think it was u who got me started watching fs17, fs19, fs22 for a little min. I just wanted to say keep up the YouTube DJGOHAM thing it’s a blast watching you b u. I’ve recently bought the fs22 for my pc but I’m in need of a graphic 3d card, but will soon b on its way. Enjoy being you and do what u love to do b your self. Just wanted to say thank you

  4. With my logitech steering wheel, I just use the simdashboard on my tablet and have my keyboard on the side. Diffidently a different experience with a steering wheel!

  5. Nice bit of kit DJ lucky you it still looks like your have a good time ????⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ oops you did this before you left ?‍♂️?

  6. DJ, I love and rely on your daily mod videos they are epic ? this review didn’t work for me bro. ?. It just felt like a review from somebody who was happy they got a free wheel. What are the cons? I heard you briefly mentioned the petals were slipping on the floor. Do they not have grip on the bottom like the logitech? Anyways, I hope you take this as constructive criticism.


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