YO! Farmers welcome back to a new Farming Simulator 19 Video. Today we have Big News on the Helicopter Mod, Tom Pemberton Map by MJ Modding, John Deere X9 and 8RX Update from Siid Modding, MRG Mapping and Marxville, West Newton Farm, An Older JD Combine & MORE! – 1st December 2020
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? Contact: silvernewsmedia@protonmail.com
When toms farm coming to pc
On our farm we used to use a 4400
0:52 SilverNews sure that me
Don’t remember making a John deer mod ???
Siid Modding: Thanks for the 2020 JD Tractors pack EU & US. Your 8RX tends to slide around/ not stop/creeping unlike GIANTS Quadtrac/JD9RX which are fine. Your 8RT on tracks is fine. The 8R nose seems unreal with its nose so low/tilted forward…it does change with rear attachments but your 7R much more normal/expected level with or without attachments. Your 8RTs work fine all other FS19tractors & other mods too are fine if no easy fix for 8RX.. its a mystery… Thanks.
You should have 1mil subs
All lies! Ur pissing Xbox and Playstation pleayers off dude. Stop this right now. Ur not helping us out and never understand if u continue to lie to people that dont have computer.
Better engine sounds please on all tractors :o))
Is the plane coming to consoles
Good video silver news
Yes yes yes ????
I'd like to see the 8r 8rt And 8rx for consoles have more realistic engine start up sounds and more track configurations on the 8rx with interior cab lights
Can you give us an update on the Minnesota Millinial Farmers map for console players please
Hey is the helicopter mod come to consoles an the plane come to consoles
Is Marxsville coming to consoles?
It Won't Show Me The Picture
Is the Marxville Wisconsin map coming to console
Hey hey everyone
Ah man, why you gotta put me after MJ, I'm supposed to be the lead into the main act, not the other way around! MJ and OxygenDavid just put my work to shame ? ?
No polo shirt ???
Are you aware of PeterJ modding on Facebook? He was a well known modder in fs17. He’s doing an MF 135 for fs19
Is the helicopter for Console
Nice silver!
Hey silver cool vid
How are you doing silver? I’m doing great because you posted two videos one one day!
Keep up the good work!