200K LITERS OF TRITICALE – Chellington Valley Gameplay Episode 16 – Farming Simulator 19


Welcome to my relaxed and limited mod gameplay on Chellington Valley now with seasons. I hope you enjoy the series!

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  1. FC: that’s weird that the header fell off the trailer
    The header literally every time I use a header trailer: falls off
    Me: and that’s why I like Draper headers so much better

  2. Hey FarmerCop, have you ever tried the "lands" mode within CoursePlay when running a harvester? It allows the harvester to have the offload auger on the left side for easy unloading. Plus it's neat to watch the harvester run the pattern.

    Just thought I'd mention it, keep up the videos!

  3. More of my oilseed, yes sir! 😉
    Btw i knew it from the first minute, that You recorded that on your laptop. I was like "he sounds different, laptop mic?"
    I bet You were just chilling on a couch with a pot of coffee 🙂


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